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词汇 路面
例句 Watch out, the pavement is slippery.小心,路面很滑。There's black ice on the roads.路面结了一层薄冰。The ice on the road slowed us down.路面结冰使我们放慢了速度。They dump tons of salt on icy road surfaces to make driving safer.他们把成吨的盐洒到结冰的路面上使行车较安全。The freezing rain caused the roads to ice over.冻雨使路面结了冰。Rain whipped the pavement.雨水打在路面上。The road ahead looks wet, but in fact this is an optical illusion.前方的路面看上去湿漉漉的,但实际上那只是视错觉。The road is very bumpy.路面高低不平。The snow had narrowed the width of the road to a single track.大雪使路面变窄,成了单行道。Snowplows have been out clearing the roads.扫雪机开出去清扫路面了。There's a slight rise in the road.路面有个平缓的上坡。The rain is leaving a thin layer of ice on the roads.雨水使路面结了一层薄冰。The men used a roller to flatten the tarmac.那些人用压路机轧平柏油碎石路面There's ice on the roads tonight so be careful.今晚路面结冰,要当心。Radial tires grip the road well.子午线轮胎在路面上防滑性能很好。After years of neglect, the roads were full of potholes.由于多年无人维修,路面上到处都坑坑洼洼的。The flood washed out the road.洪水冲垮了路面Motoring organizations have started a campaign for safer roads in the area.汽车协会已经发起了一场在该地区改善路面条件的运动。A tree arches over the road.一棵树弯向路面Surface water made driving conditions hazardous.路面积水对行车安全构成隐患。There are many inequalities in the surface of this old road.这条古旧道路的路面有许多高低不平之处。The pavement's slippery.路面很滑。Drivers should beware of black ice.司机要小心路面上的薄冰。Beware ramp.小心凸起的路面The car took the corner too fast and went off the road.汽车转弯太快,开出了路面We had to make a long detour because of the floods.因为路面被淹没了,我们不得不绕很长的弯路。The ice made it impossible for the car's wheels to gain/get a purchase on the road.路面上的冰使得车轮无法稳住。The road was pocked with potholes.路面坑坑洼洼。The pavement buckled in the heat.路面在高温下软化变形了。She came an almighty cropper when her back wheels hit an icy patch.她的后车轮轧上了一块结冰的路面,出了严重的车祸。He skidded his car on an icy pavement.他让汽车在结冰的路面上滑行。In the winter, drivers need to look out for icy patches on the roads.冬天,司机应该当心路面上结冰的地方。Icy roads were the sole cause of the accident.路面结冰是造成此次事故的唯一原因。Snow left an icy slick on the roads.下雪后路面上结了一层滑溜的冰。The car skidded across the road and came to a stop on the grass verge.汽车滑过路面,在路缘草带上停了下来。The road rose gently/steeply.路面缓慢/陡然上升。We wore sunglasses to reduce the glare from the road.我们戴上太阳镜以减弱路面反射的强光。The car bumped up and down as we drove across the rough ground.我们开车经过崎岖不平的路面时,汽车上下颠簸。On icy roads, a four-wheel drive vehicle really comes into its own.在结冰的路面上,四轮驱动车尽显本色。The combination of rain and greasy surfaces made driving conditions treacherous.下雨再加上路面有油污使驾车行驶充满了隐患。




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