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词汇 high
例句 The new type engines feature high speed, small size and economical operating costs.这种新型发动机以高速、小型和操作费用低廉为特色。She was flying high after her excellent exam results.考试成绩优异,她非常开心。International Roaming is your digital mobile phone's passport to travel but the cost of calls is high.国际漫游服务可使数字手机在全球畅通无阻,但话费却很高。Was there anyone particularly high in the administration who was an advocate of a different policy?.政府中有没有哪位高层人物支持采取不同政策?The floor wears well even in high traffic areas.这种地面即使在人流密集地区也很耐用。The team finished their tour on a high note in Barbados.该队在巴巴多斯的巡回比赛画上了圆满的句号。The American couple complained about the high cost of visiting Europe.这对美国夫妇抱怨说欧洲旅游费用很高。The building is nine stories high and covers three city blocks.这幢大楼有九层楼高,占三个街区。The eagle soared high into the air.鹰在高空翱翔。This is an area of high unemployment.这是个高失业率地区。Try to keep your work on a high plane.努力将你的工作保持在高水平上。She is riding high at the moment.眼下正是她春风得意之时。The one big drawback with the plan was its high cost.这一方案的一大不足就是成本高。She spent time in England, where she moved in high society.她在英格兰呆过,在那里与上层社会人士交往。Antique furniture fetches very high prices these days.这段时间古董家具的卖价很高。Turn left at the traffic lights and carry on up the high street.在红绿灯处左拐,沿大街一直往前走。It was the summer before his junior year in high school.那是他升入高三前的那个夏天。He wears white high-top sneakers.他穿一双高帮白色运动鞋。All pastry except filo is high in fat.除了千层饼外,所有油酥点心的脂肪含量都很高。Sons followed their fathers' trade with a high degree of regularity.大多数情况都是子承父业。We've been buddies since junior high school.从初中起我们就是朋友了。God, I got so high last night.天哪,昨晚我吸毒后兴奋得很。There are several possible explanations for girls’ superior high school performance.女孩子在高中成绩优秀有好几个可能的原因。Shoppers tend to think that high prices mean high quality. Electrical goods are a case in point.购物者通常认为高价意味着高质量,电器就是一个很好的例子。He touched the high point in his career.他达到了事业的顶峰。The Danes have environmental issues high on their agenda.丹麦人把环境问题作为重中之重。Shakespeare has a high place among English writers.莎士比亚是一位名望很高的英国作家。There has been a low/high rate of compliance with the new law.这条新法规的执行率一直很低/高。Fill up on potatoes, bread and pasta, which are high in carbohydrate and low in fat.用碳水化合物含量高、脂肪含量低的土豆、面包和意大利面食填饱肚子。The government is giving high priority to industrial development.该政府视工业发展为重点项目。They're soaking their customers by charging high fees for routine services.他们让顾客为常规服务支付高额费用。The pound reached a new high against the euro yesterday.昨天英镑对欧元的汇率达到了新高。Labour was also unable to live down its reputation as the party of high taxes.工党也无法让人忘记其高税党的名声。Nuclear deterrence has worked, and will continue to work because the penalties of failure are so high.核威慑起了作用,而且还会继续起作用,因为核摧毁带来的灾难太大了。The high wind chill factor made it seem even colder.高风寒指数使天气似乎更冷了。Being a teacher needs a high level of motivation.当老师需要很高的积极性。Politicians who are high in power must be able to listen to the aggrieved voice of the people.主政者一定要能倾听人民愤恨不平的声音。With the high voter registration, many will be voting for the first time.登记选民数量的上升意味着许多人将第一次参加投票。All the high jumpers had flawless takeoffs.所有跳高运动员的起跳都无可挑剔。She had no driver's license. This was a real drag during her last years of high school.她没有驾驶执照,这使她中学的最后几年很不方便。




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