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词汇 资料
例句 Environmental rules are developed using good information and sound judgment.利用实用的资料以及良好的判断力制订出了环境保护规定。There is a quantity of information available on this topic.关于这个话题可以找到大量的资料The records contain the bank details of all employees.这些记录包括所有职员的银行账户资料Bill busied himself with collecting materials.比尔忙于收集资料The diary is a treasure trove to the abnormal psychologist.这日记对于研究变态心理的专家来说乃是不可多得的资料宝库。It is time to take stock of our river resources, but there is no nationwide inventory.是清查我国河流资源的时候了,可手头没有全国范围的资料目录。This book has been very well researched.这本书是经过大量的资料搜集写成的。The documentary was rigorously researched and intelligently presented.这部纪录片经过严格的资料收集以巧妙的方式呈现出来。New data has stood the traditional explanation of the island's origin on its head.新的资料动摇了关于这个岛起源的传统说法。Added together, the details make for a poignant, touching novel.这些资料综合起来可以写成一部酸楚感人的小说。We have enough data in hand.我们手头有足够的资料I send each inquirer a packet of information.我给每位查询者发送了一份资料It is not company policy to divulge personal details of employees.透露员工的私人资料公司是不允许的。Executive privilege gave him complete discretion to keep executive materials secret, both from Congress and the courts.行政特权使他完全可以自主决定将行政资料的内容对国会和法庭保密。Information about our testing procedure is available on request.有关检测程序的资料可供索取。It is important to assess the reliability of the data.资料的可靠性评定是非常重要的。Can you send me some literature about your product?你能给我发一些你们产品的资料吗?There are several ways to populate the database.有几种方式给数据库自动增加资料Ask them to send you information on how to assess the value of your belongings.让他们把怎样评估你的财产价值的资料寄来。We sifted the information carefully to find a clue that would help us.我们仔细研究资料以便找出对我们有所帮助的线索。I wanted to see if I could elucidate the mystery and began to read everything I could find on the subject.我想看看我是否能解开这个谜,于是开始阅读关于这个主题的所有找得到的资料There was not enough time to evaluate the information before the meeting.会议举行前没有足够时间对这些资料进行评估。This information is all in the public domain.这一资料不受版权保护。Unfortunately I do not have the information because our records are incomplete.很遗憾,由于我们的记录不完整,我无法提供有关资料UFO spotters will always insist that their data is correct.不明飞行物的观测者总会坚持他们的资料是正确的。First you need to collect all the information and make detailed notes. Then you can start to actually write your essay.首先你得收集所有资料并详细地做好笔记,然后就能开始正式动笔写文章。The information is slightly out-of-date, but it could still be of some use.这项资料有点过时,但仍有些用处。Much of the material supplied to the army was faulty.为军队提供的资料很多都是有问题的。She dug around in the files hoping to come up with some newsworthy material.她在文件中四处翻,希望能找到些有新闻价值的资料The professor wrote the book, but his students did most of the legwork in the library.教授撰写了这本书,但上图书馆查找资料的跑腿活儿大部分是他学生做的。He must have come to know those philosophers through secondary or tertiary sources.他一定是通过第二手或第三手资料了解到那些哲学家的。He spent much time in quarrying in old records.他花了很多时间从旧记录中寻找资料The company's role is to repurpose print data for use on the Web.这家公司的职责是将印刷品资料转成电子版以供网络使用。The three books are distilled from many sources.这三本书是参考许多资料写成的。All the students tuned out when the speaker began on a long list of uninteresting facts.演说者开始念一长串枯燥无味的资料,这时,所有学生都思想开了小差。He began by reading everything he could find out about heroin.他从阅读所有能找到的有关海洛因的资料开始。I had the information at my fingertips and hadn't used it.资料就在我手边,但一直都没有用。The material was spoon-fed to the students.那些资料被一股脑地灌输给了学生。The inferences drawn from the data have led to major changes.根据这些资料推断出的结果引发了重大变革。Contemporary sources offer a very different interpretation.当时的资料提供了一个大相径庭的解释。




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