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Henderson recalled that he first met Pollard during a business trip to Washington.亨德森记起他第一次见到波拉德是在一次去华盛顿出差的时候。Immediately, Henderson rose and closured the debate.亨德森立刻站起来,以提付表决结束了辩论。What did he really know to Henderson's discredit?事实上他知道哪些有损于亨德森名声的事呢?Henderson stared at him coldly.亨德森冷冷地盯着他。Henderson will be competing against a very strong field today.亨德森今天将与很强的对手同场竞技。Henderson pled guilty to burglary.亨德森承认犯有入室盗窃罪。Henderson led the team to a surprise win in the final.亨德森带领队伍在决赛中意外获胜。Henderson has his finger in all kinds of pies these days.亨德森最近对所有的事情都感兴趣。Henderson was momentarily jolted by the news.亨德森听到这个消息一时目瞪口呆。 |