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He's going to come over next week to talk it over.他下星期会过来详谈这件事。She talked in detail about future plans for the school.她详谈了学校将来的计划。He refused to elaborate on the event.他拒绝就那一事件详谈。We won't go into that now.我们现在不详谈那个。He talked at length about his work and his family.他详谈他的工作和家庭。I don't have time to go into more detail. Perhaps we could talk about this tomorrow.我没有时间详谈了,也许我们可以明天再谈这件事。He spoke at length about the nonexistence of philosophical problems.他详谈了哲学问题的虚无性。He isn't any more specific in this case than on many other instances.他在这件事情上也像在许多其他场合一样,没有具体详谈。 |