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词汇 itching
例句 Symptoms include minor itching and redness.症状包括轻微瘙痒和泛红。He was itching for a chance to show how good he was.他渴望能有个机会展现自己的实力。Redness, swelling, and painful itching signal an infection.发红、肿胀、又疼又痒说明有感染。The general was itching for a fight.将军盼着打一仗。I was itching to get involved and to bring my own theories into practice.我急欲参与其中,想把我自己的理论付诸实践。He has itching fingers always ready for a bribe.他贪得无厌,随时准备接受贿赂。Chelsea was positively itching to try out her new computer.切尔西确实迫切地想试试自己的新计算机。My toes are itching like mad.我脚趾痒得很厉害。My head's itching.我头皮发痒。He's not the kind of guy that goes into a bar itching for a fight.他不是那种爱到酒吧去找人打架的人。My nose is itching.我鼻子痒。The boys were itching to let off their fireworks.男孩子们急著想放烟火。Steroids often help reduce the inflammation and itching in the skin.类固醇常常有助于减轻炎症和皮肤瘙痒。This lotion should soothe/stop/relieve the itching. 这种洗液可以缓解/止住/减轻瘙痒。It may be that the itching is caused by contact with irritant material.瘙痒可能是由于接触了刺激性物质引起的。He was bothered with an itching back.他背脊发痒很不好受。This itching is driving me mad.这种瘙痒简直快把我折磨疯了。He has an itching palm and will certainly accept the money.他很贪财,肯定会收下钱的。Don't scratch - it will only make the itching worse.别挠痒,只会越挠越痒。He seemed to be itching for an excuse to say something rude.他似乎很想找个借口讲粗话。The general was itching for a fight.这位将军急于打一仗。I'm itching to get started in my garden again. 我十分渴望重新开始在自家花园里拾掇。Despite her success, however, it just wasn't much fun anymore. Liz was itching to try something different.尽管她成功了,但是这事她已经没有多大兴趣。莉兹又在渴望尝试别的事情了。She was itching for a fight.她很想打一架。Rashes can cause intense itching.皮疹会造成强烈的瘙痒。She's just itching to tell you about her new boyfriend.她就是巴不得想跟你说自己的新男友。My feet were itching terribly.我的脚痒得厉害。The boys were itching for the lesson to end.那些男孩子急切地等著下课。




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