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词汇 item
例句 The scanner is connected to a computer that prints the name and price of each grocery item at the checkout.扫描器与电脑相连接,由电脑将每件杂货的名称与价格在付款处打印出来。Each item was coded for point of origin.每一件物品都标明了来历。You may wish to take out a loan for a major item of expenditure.对于巨额的开销,你也许希望寻求贷款。A comfortable, adjustable chair is the single most important item for the health of a computer user.一把舒适的可调节的椅子对电脑使用者的健康来说是最要紧的东西。That item is out of stock, but we'll give you a voucher for 10 percent off any other item in the store.那种商品已售罄,但我们会给你一张优惠券,购买店里的其他任何商品可享受九折优惠。The student is invited to test each item for himself by means of specific techniques.邀请学生们采用特定的技术自己去测试每个项目。He opened the cardboard box and took out each item.他打开纸板箱把里面的物品一一拿出来。I saw Darren and Emma there. Are they an item?我在那儿看见了达伦和埃玛。他们现在是一对儿吗?Now we'll get on to the next item on the agenda.我们现在来讨论下一项议程。Let's move along to the next item.让我们继续下一项。Let us proceed to the next item on the agenda.让我们进入下一项议程。This is sure to be an item on the agenda next week.这一定会成为下星期议事日程上的一项议题。Any item can be reserved on payment of a deposit.支付订金就可以预订任何物品。Does this item go among the credits or the debits?这笔账应记入贷方还是借方?You'll find a reference number after each item in the catalogue.产品目录上每件商品之后都有一个编号。The TV picture tube is a consumable item.电视显像管是一种消耗品。Check your input and make sure you have selected only one item.检查输入内容,确保你只选择了一项。Computer games are a hot item in stores this year.今年,电脑游戏是商店里的抢手货。Check the list carefully, item by item.请逐项认真核对清单。The lead-in to a news item should only take a few seconds.一条新闻的引子应当只占用几秒钟时间。I came upon an irresistible item at a yard sale.在一次庭院拍卖会上,我偶然发现了一个忍不住想买的东西。That particular item is not for sale.那件货物为非卖品。He verified that the item was in stock.他核实过了,那件商品有现货。It's worth checking each item for obvious flaws.有必要逐件检查一下是否有明显的瑕疵。This is considered a luxury item and is priced accordingly.这被认为是一件奢侈品,并按照这个标准定价。Make sure you know exactly what you will be paying back when you plan to redeem the item.务必弄清楚将来赎回物品时需要偿还多少。They were rumored to be an item. 谣传他们是一对儿。The theater warmly applauded every item.全场观众对每个节目都报以热烈的掌声。There was an item on the news about him.新闻报道中有一则关于他的消息。We expect to see heavy bidding on this item. 我们预计会有很多人竞买这件物品。The salesperson bamboozled us into getting a more expensive item than we had planned to buy.售货员诱骗我们买了超出我们计划范围的更昂贵的货品。Before buying an expensive item, he needs to ask himself if/whether he can afford it.购买贵重物品之前,他得想想自己是否有这个能力。We need to move to the next item on the agenda.我们需要转到下一项议事日程上。What's the first/next item on the agenda?日程上的第一个/下一个项目是什么?You may exchange the item for something of equal value.你可以用这件商品换取等值的东西。Leather jeans are the must-have fashion item of the season.皮革牛仔裤是本季时尚必需品。The last item on the program was a grand display of fireworks.最后一项节目是大型烟火表演。One vital item of data was missing from the table.这个表缺少了一项重要数据。The idea of glasses being a fashion item has been slow to catch on.眼镜也是一种时尚的概念慢慢开始流行起来。Does that item really belong on the list?那件商品真的应该列在这张清单上吗?




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