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词汇 hear of
例句 I am glad to hear of fighting, even though we come off second-best.听说要搏斗,我总是高兴的,哪怕我们败于对手。I first heard of the idea from a business acquaintance in Montpelier.我最初是从蒙彼利埃一位生意上的朋友那里听到这个主意的。He even thought about moving from the village. But his friends wouldn't hear of it.他甚至考虑要从村子里搬出去。但他的朋友们不答应。The whole town was astounded to hear of a plan to build an office building right next to the lake.听到计划要在湖边造一栋办公大楼,全镇的人都感到震惊。I have heard of one old witch changing herself into a pigeon.我听说有个老巫婆把自己变成了一只鸽子。I'm amazed you've never heard of the Rolling Stones.真奇怪,你居然从未听说过滚石乐队。The first I heard of it was when she phoned me.她给我打电话的时候我才第一次听说这件事。You've never heard of the Internet? Come on, now. Get with it. 你从未听说过互联网吗?加把劲,跟上潮流吧。Freddie was distressed when, through the grapevine, he heard of Liza's marriage.弗雷迪听说了莉莎的婚姻,感到很难过。Many people haven't heard of reflexology.很多人没听说过反射学。They're big in Japan, but no one's heard of them here.他们在日本的名气很大,但这里的人并没听说过他们。I've heard of a job which would be just right for you.我听说有个工作很适合你。I've never heard of him.我从来没有听说过他。I have never heard of such presumption.我从来没听见过这样无礼的事。Who ever heard of a thing like that?究竟是谁听说了那种事?Have you heard of the latest development in the murder trial?你有没有听到谋杀案审判的最新情况? We hear of women who run away, leaving behind their homes and families.我们听说有女人离家出走,扔下了家人不管。Passing judgment on the accused, he said it was the worst crime of its kind he had ever heard of.在对被告作出判决时,他说这是他所听说过的同类罪行中最为恶劣的一起。It is literally true that I never heard of him until I was in my late twenties.实际上,我到二十八九岁才听说过他。I have never heard of the city.我从来不知道有那座城市。When she heard of her son's death, she was mad with grief.听到儿子的死讯,她悲伤得几乎发疯了。We soon heard of the expulsion of the military adviser.我们很快就听说了军事顾问被开除的消息。After his beating Colin ran away and hasn't been heard of since.科林被他打了一顿后就离家出走了,从此杳无音讯。I was disgusted to hear of his behaviour.我听到他的那种行为觉得很气愤。My mother heard of this school through Leslie.我妈妈是通过莱斯利知道这所学校的。You've never heard of him?—I don't believe so.你从来没有听说过他?—我可不这么认为。I was grieved to hear of the suicide of James.听到詹姆斯自杀的消息,我非常伤心。He will not hear of my paying for it.他怎么也不肯由我来付钱。She hasn't heard of her husband's death.她还没有听到她丈夫去世的消息。Until a few months ago few people outside the arcane world of contemporary music had heard of Gorecki.直至几个月前,在现代音乐神秘殿堂之外很少有人听说了戈莱斯基。That achievement licks anything I've heard of yet.这一成就比我至今所听说的任何成就都强。He's such a heathen - he's never even heard of Puccini.他真没文化,竟然没听过普契尼。He was struck all of a heap when he heard of their generosity to him.听到他们对他如此慷慨仁慈,他给搞糊涂了。Most of them had only heard of the massacre at second hand.他们中的大多数人只是听说了那次大屠杀。If I hear of a job opening, I'll let you know.如果我得知有职位空缺,我会告诉你。Neither of them thought of turning on the lunchtime news. Thus Caroline didn't hear of John's death until Peter telephoned.他俩都没想到收听午间新闻。所以,直到彼得打电话,卡罗琳才获悉约翰的死讯。Neither of them thought of turning on the lunch-time news. Thus Caroline didn't hear of John's death until Peter telephoned.两个人谁也没有想到打开电视看午间新闻,所以直到彼得打来电话,卡罗琳才得知约翰的死讯。I've sort of heard of him but I don't know who he is.我对他这人略有耳闻,但不知道他是谁。Last year at this time no one had ever heard of him, but now he's the talk of the town.去年这时候都没人听说过他,但现在他却是街头巷尾谈论的话题。I began to recall what I had heard of cannibals.我开始回想起我曾听说过的吃人生番的事。




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