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Because of the budget cuts, some students, through no fault of their own, may have a hard time paying their way.由于削减了预算,那些无辜受到影响的学生可能很难承担完成学业所需的费用了。People of his generation often have a hard time with computers.他这一代人用电脑很吃力。You'll have a hard time proving that.你要证明那一点很难。Do stepparents usually have a hard time winning the confidence of their stepchildren?继父母要赢得继子女的信赖是不是通常很困难? I have a hard time fancying you as a father.我很难想象你做父亲的样子。He's so secretive - you'll have a hard time prizing any information out of him.他如此守口如瓶——你要从他那打听情况会很困难。Premature babies have a hard time even under the best of circumstances.即使在最好的条件下,早产儿也会历经磨难。 |