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词汇 harm
例句 If you harm a hair of my daughter's head, I'll kill you!要是你伤我女儿一根毫毛,我宰了你! It wouldn't do you any harm to get some experience first.你不妨先积累点经验。Both deny conspiring to cause actual bodily harm.两人都否认蓄意造成人身伤害。The children will be here soon - you'd better put that plate out of harm's way.孩子们很快就会来这里——你最好把盘子放在安全的地方。These men were never told how they'd been put in harm's way.从来没人告诉这些人他们是如何被置于险境的。The scandal has done irreparable/lasting/great harm to his reputation.丑闻对他的声誉造成了不可挽回的/持久的/巨大的损害。The drugs he was prescribed did him more harm than good.给他开的药对他来说是弊大于利。Considering the harm he did, he's gotten off lightly with only a warning.考虑到他所造成的危害,仅处以警告过轻了。He was only fooling, he meant no harm.他只是在开玩笑,并没有恶意。They could be in harm's way if military action becomes necessary.如果有必要采取军事行动,他们就会有危险。The oil spill did irreparable harm to the bay.漏油对海湾造成了难以弥补的损害。Fantasies cannot harm you, no matter how bizarre or far out they are.无论幻想多么怪诞、多么离谱,都不能造成伤害。Publication of those documents would harm the national interest.把这些文件公布出去会损害国家利益。Strenuous exercise can often do more harm than good.激烈运动通常弊大于利。A few drinks will do you no harm.喝几杯不会对你有害的。A bad public image can cause enormous harm to the tourist industry.糟糕的公众形象会给旅游业造成巨大损害。Give her a break - she's only a child and she didn't mean any harm.饶了她吧——她还只是个孩子,况且她并无恶意。The hijackers seemed anxious not to harm anyone.劫机者似乎很不想伤害任何人。I didn't mean any harm, it was just a joke.我并无恶意,这只是个玩笑。The new law is likely to do irreparable harm in urban areas.新的法律可能会给市区造成不可弥补的损害。Misusing drugs in pregnancy can seriously harm your baby.妊娠期间误用药物会严重伤害胎儿。He thinks the treatment may do more harm than good. 他认为这种治疗方法弊大于利。They threatened him with bodily harm.他们威胁他要伤害他的身体。She'll do anything to protect her children from harm.她将不惜一切地保护她的孩子们免受伤害。The publicity did her career no harm.媒体的报道对她的事业没有坏处。Should any harm befall me on my journey, you may open this letter.万一我这趟旅程有什么不测,你就打开这封信。The move would cause irreparable harm to the organization.这一举动会给组织造成无法弥补的损害。May the Lord keep you from harm.愿上帝保佑你平安。The younger children were kept out of harm's way.年龄较小的孩子已经安排在安全的地方。He thought no harm in doing it.他觉得做那事没害处。You could harm the suspension if you drive over rough roads.驾车通过坑洼路面可能损坏悬挂系统。Detergent cannot harm a fabric, so long as it has been properly dissolved.只要充分稀释,洗涤剂不会损伤织物。There are laws circumscribing the right of individual citizens to cause bodily harm to others.有一些法律限制了公民个人的权利,禁止对他人造成人身伤害。We prayed that no harm should befall them.我们祈求他们平安无事。He would never intentionally harm his children.他绝不会故意伤害自己的孩子。They threatened to harm him if he didn't cooperate.他们威胁说,如果他不配合,他们就会伤害他。The children were removed from their parents to prevent harm to them.这些孩子被带离了父母,以防受到伤害。He wanted to apologise for the embarrassment he caused and said he meant no harm.他想为自己造成的尴尬道歉,还说他没有恶意。The plant is poisonous to humans but will not harm deer.这种植物能使人中毒,但对鹿无害。Workers scrambled to carry priceless objects out of harm's way.工人们争先恐后地将价值连城的物品运到安全的地方。




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