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I occasionally put up a few shelves, but I'm not exactly the world's greatest handyman.我偶尔也做几个架子,但根本不是什么能工巧匠。He was leading a catch-as-catch-can life, working as an itinerant handyman.他靠当流动临时工凑合着过活。They started me off in the gardens as a handyman. Digging, forking manure, that kind of thing.他们让我先在园子里干些杂活,挖土、叉粪肥之类的。My husband's a keen handyman.我丈夫喜欢干零活儿,什么都会鼓捣。I'm sort of gardener and handyman rolled into one.我算是身兼园丁和杂务工两职。 |