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词汇 weigh
例句 I agreed to help him weigh it out.我答应帮他称一下。The boxers arrived for the pre-fight weigh-in.拳击手到场进行赛前称重。Cranston and others were improperly trying to weigh in on the decision.克兰斯顿和其他人都不合时宜地想在这个决定中发表高见。How much do you weigh?你体重多少?These nests increase in size each year, and can eventually weigh down the branch.这些巢每年都在变大,最终可能会把树枝压弯。Before making a decision, you need to weigh up the pros and cons of the situation.在作出决定前,你必须权衡情况的利弊得失。Tell me Clare, how much do you weigh?告诉我,克莱尔,你有多重?You always weigh less in the morning.早晨体重总是会轻一些。The company will be able to weigh up the environmental pros and cons of each site.这家公司将可以权衡每处选址在环境方面的利与弊。His left-of-centre political views are said to weigh against him.据说他中间偏左的政见妨碍了他。The responsibility of her new job had begun to weigh on her.新工作的责任使她开始烦恼起来。Will you weigh out two kilograms of flour for me please?请给我称两公斤面粉好吗?A full-grown elephant can weigh over 6,000 kilograms.一头成年大象能重达六千多公斤。Selfish interests don't weigh with him at all.他根本不把私利放在心上。Every time I weigh myself I seem to have got heavier!我每次称体重好像体重都增加了!I'm sure I weigh more than last year.我的体重肯定超过了去年。If you weigh yourself down you'll get very tired.如果背得过重,你就会感到很累的。You have to weigh risks and benefits.你得衡量风险与收益。They will weigh your package at the post office.他们将在邮局称你的包裹。It was time to weigh anchor and move on.到了起锚继续航行的时候了。I don't want to weigh you down with my bad news.我不想让我的坏消息破坏你的心情。You have to weigh up whether a human life is more important than an animal's life.你必须权衡人的生命是否比动物的生命更重要。You should weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of running your own business.你应该权衡自己经营生意的利弊。At all ages, men weigh more than women.不论哪个年纪,男性都比女性重。The finance minister must weigh up the benefits of a tax cut versus those of increased public spending.财政部长必须权衡是减税还是增加公共开支更有利。He was watching her, trying to weigh her up.他看着她,打算考量她一番。Such recommendations will weigh in his favour.这种推荐对他将大有好处。I think we're pretty much decided, unless you want to weigh in.我想我们差不多决定了,除非你还有话要说。Politicians should carefully weigh the advantages and disadvantages of committing US troops to this conflict.政治家应仔细权衡使美军卷入这场冲突的利与弊。In such a delicate situation I have to weigh my words.在这样微妙的情形下,我必须斟酌一下我的话。The scales can be used to weigh other items such as parcels.这台秤可以用来称包裹等其他物品。She tried to weigh up the pros and cons of staying at her current job.她努力权衡保留目前工作的利弊。When will the jockeys weigh in?什么时候给赛马骑师称体重?I can't weigh him up.他这个人我看不透。We will weigh/balance the risk against the possible benefit. 我们会权衡风险与可能得到的收益。When you're a detective you learn to weigh people up quickly.如果你是个侦探,就得学会快速判断一个人。A blue-ribbon panel of experts was called in to weigh the evidence.第一流的专家小组被请来认真权衡这个证据。He used a scale to weigh the bananas.他用磅秤称香蕉。You will need to weigh the pros and cons.你得权衡利弊得失。Before buying weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of each type.购买之前仔细考虑一下每一类型的优缺点。




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