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词汇 halls
例句 All single full-time students must reside in university residence halls.所有单身的全日制学生都必须住大学宿舍。They protested that there was no place for a school of commerce in their hallowed halls of learning.他们抗议称在他们神圣的学术殿堂里没有商学院的位置。The music halls burlesqued him.歌舞杂耍戏院编排了对他进行滑稽模仿的节目。This summer's tour was an eye-opener for her. For the first time ever, the halls were not fully booked.今夏的旅游让她大开眼界。有史以来,礼堂第一次没有预订满。Children are enthralled by his stories; he has been known to fill theatre halls in Australia.孩子们为他的故事所着迷;众所周知他在澳大利亚总是场场爆满。In most of the residence halls we visited, rules prohibit disorderly conduct.在我们走访的学生宿舍里,大多明令禁止胡作非为。The lecture halls were filled with students.讲演厅里坐满了学生。The university has two halls of residence for its postgraduate students.这所大学有两座研究生宿舍楼。Her voice echoed through the glacial halls.她的嗓音在冰冷的大厅里回响。He strode the halls of the building, looking for the exit.他在大楼的过道里大步走著,寻找出口。The university guarantees accommodation in halls of residence for every first year who wants to live in.大学为想住校的一年级学生保证提供学生宿舍。Big concert halls do not faze Melanie.大型音乐厅不会让梅拉妮慌乱。He made friendly, jocular remarks when their paths crossed in the halls.他们在大厅相遇时,他说了几句友好、幽默的话。They used some of their wealth to build magnificent town halls.他们拿出部分钱财来建富丽堂皇的市政厅。Their song is being played in dance halls across the country.他们的歌曲正在全国各地的舞厅里播放。Students were wandering the halls.学生们在大厅里徘徊。She prefers playing small concert halls rather than big stadiums.相比大型体育场,她更喜欢在小型音乐厅演奏。Different races mixed freely at dance halls and clubs.不同种族的人在舞厅和俱乐部自由地交往。Virtually all the students live in university halls of residence.差不多所有的学生都住在大学的学生宿舍里。His father worked in variety in the music halls.他父亲在歌舞厅表演杂耍。He is in request in concert halls all over the world.他在全世界的音乐厅都受欢迎。Most first-year students live in the halls of residence.大多数一年级新生都住学生宿舍。The visitors were herded into two large halls.游客们被集中在两个大厅里。Rats are popping out in unprecedented numbers in village halls as well as rubbish dumps.村务大厅里从来没有这么多上蹿下跳的老鼠,也从没像现在这样垃圾成堆。The building, as we shall see, is very different in its internal planning, with a great complex of halls and rooms.正如我们下面将看到的,这幢大楼的内部结构风格迥异,走廊和房间如迷宫般复杂交错。Many new performance halls are designed primarily for music.很多新的表演大厅主要是为表演音乐而设计的。He toured music halls in Ireland.他在爱尔兰各地音乐厅作巡回演出。Folding partitions separate the different banquet halls in the building.折叠式隔墙将楼内的各个宴会厅隔开。We festooned the halls with leaves and white lights.我们用树叶和白光灯装饰了大厅。




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