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词汇 cow
例句 A cow goes "moo" and a dog goes "bow-wow".牛“哞哞”叫,狗“汪汪”叫。Is there really morally any difference between slaughtering a cow for food and a horse for food?为获得食物宰杀一头牛与一匹马,从道义上讲真的有区别吗?Any product made from cow's milk made him vomit.任何牛奶制品都会让他呕吐。We watched the cow suckling her calves.我们看着奶牛给小牛喂奶。You stupid cow!你这个蠢娘儿们!The cow ran its tongue over its lips.奶牛用舌头舔嘴唇。I can never tell one cow from another.我永远都无法把一头母牛与另一头母牛区分开来。A cow's udder hangs loosely between its legs and produces milk.母牛的乳房垂于腿之间用来产奶。The cow yields milk twice a day.这头母牛每天产两次奶。Any cow which appears to be affected with tuberculosis must be notified.凡是有患结核病症状的奶牛必须报告。She thought the cow had got the Indian sign when it wouldn't give any more milk.她想这头母牛不肯产奶准是着了魔了。The cow stamped on his side, winding him.牛重重地踩在他的肋部,使他喘不上气来。A mature cow has horns.成年奶牛有犄角。The cow flicked the flies away with its tail.母牛挥尾巴赶掉牛虻。A dairy cow needs to produce a calf each year.奶牛每年都需要产一头小牛。Anyone who takes milk from an unhealthy cow will be contravening public health regulations.任何人从病牛身上取奶均违反公共卫生条例。Each cow was branded with the ranch's logo.每头母牛都烙上了该牧场的标记。The football team was a cash cow for the university.橄榄球队是这所大学的摇钱树。My mother had a cow when I said I was going to buy a motorbike.我说我要买辆摩托车时,我母亲很是不安。I am not going to be a milch cow for you on news.我可不打算当你的义务消息源。They did not dare to challenge the sacred cow of parliamentary democracy.他们不敢反对不容质疑的议会民主。The cow calved in the barn.母牛在牛棚里生了小牛。As part of the ceremony a cow was slaughtered and placed on the stone altar.作为仪式的一部分,他们宰杀了一头奶牛,并将其置于石砌的祭坛上。The movie studio saw the actress as a cash cow.电影制片厂把这个女演员当作了摇钱树。The cow produces one young a year.这头母牛一年产一头牛犊。The cow's udder swayed from side to side as she walked along.奶牛行走时乳房左右摇晃。Switzerland isn't all cow-bells and yodelling, you know.你知道,瑞士不仅仅只有牛铃声和约德尔调歌声。I crossed a pasture full of cow pads.我穿过布满奶牛蹄印的牧场。She has an allergy to cow's milk.她对牛奶过敏。The cow's tail flicked from side to side.母牛的尾巴左右甩动。A cow got into the garden and made sad havoc among the cabbages.一头牛跑到菜园里,把包心菜弄得乱七八糟。I'm not kidding, Frank. There's a cow out there, just standing around.我没有开玩笑,弗兰克。外面有一头母牛,就站在附近。The sight of the slaughtered cow turned my stomach.看到被宰杀的牛我感到恶心。Farmers in western Canada see themselves as a milch cow for the Eastern establishment.加拿大西部的农场主觉得自己是东部当权者的摇钱树。The cow fell on its side and thrashed about wildly.牛倒向一侧,疯狂地踢腾着。Each unruly cow was necked to a gentle one.每头性子野的牛都跟一头性子温驯的套在一起。The old government program has become a sacred cow.政府的老方案已不容置疑。The cow had difficulties calving.这头母牛生小牛难产。He touched the cow's side with his stick.他用棍子碰了碰牛的肋部。Suddenly the cow kicked up its hind legs.奶牛突然尥起了蹶子。




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