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词汇 cover with
例句 The subway walls are covered with graffiti.过街地道的墙上满是涂鸦。The bulletin board was covered with messages.布告栏内贴满了信息。The walls of the factory had been covered with graffiti.工厂的墙上尽是些乱涂乱画。The floor was covered with dust.地面上都是灰尘。Every space on the walls is covered with pictures.墙上的每个地方都贴满了图片。Her sweater was covered with fluff.她的毛衣起球了。Sophie's notebook is covered with stickers.索菲的笔记本上贴满了贴纸。His face is covered with lines.他的脸上布满了皱纹。The blanket is covered with fuzz.毯子上面有层绒。The desktop was covered with books and stacks of papers.桌面上堆满了书和一摞一摞的文件。The panelled walls were covered with portraits.镶有嵌板的墙上挂满了肖像。The mantelpiece was covered with rattletraps.壁炉台上放满了花里胡哨的小摆设。The desk was covered with a litter of yellowish dusty documents.书桌上凌乱地堆放着积满灰尘又略微发黄的文件。The floor is covered with a carpet.地板上铺著地毯。The blanket is covered with diagonal stripes.毯子上布满了斜条纹。The grass was covered with frost.草地上覆盖着一层霜。The highway was covered with snow.公路被雪覆盖著。The east wall of the mosque is covered with a beautiful mosaic.清真寺的整面东墙上是一幅漂亮的镶嵌画。The ground that the encampment had occupied was covered with remnants and fragments of all kinds.营地所在地被各种各样的残骸碎物覆盖著。The walls of the old building are covered with graffiti.那栋老楼的墙上满是涂鸦。The poor dog's back was covered with sores.那只可怜的狗背上长满了疮。The sky became suddenly covered with dark clouds.天空突然变得乌云密布。The ground was sparsely covered with grass.地面上稀疏地长着草。The windows are covered with grilles to deter vandals.窗户都安上了铁栅栏,以防被故意破坏。The windows have been covered with perforated metal screens.窗户上罩着金属网罩。People sported swastikas and walls were covered with inflammatory slogans.人们佩戴着纳粹党的曲十字标志,墙上写满了煽动性口号。This stretch of land was once covered with luxuriant forest, but is now bare.这块土地上曾经覆盖着茂密的森林,但现在却已经光秃秃的了。The beaches are covered with pinkish sand.海滩上铺满了浅粉色的沙子。The body had been covered with a thin layer of soil.身体上已经覆盖了薄薄的一层土。His face is covered with scar tissue where he was badly burned.他脸上严重烧伤的地方满是疤痕。Her desk was covered with a litter of legal documents.她的书桌上堆了一堆法律文书。The slaughter was terrible - the whole field was covered with bodies.这场屠杀非常可怕—遍地陈尸。The playground was covered with sod.操场上覆盖著草皮。His face was covered with the stubble of several nights.他几天没刮胡子,脸上胡子拉碴。The tops of the mountains were still covered with snow.山顶上依然白雪覆盖。The mountain peak was covered with snow.山顶被雪覆盖著。The pond was covered with green scum.池塘水面盖满了绿色浮藻。All exposed skin should be covered with protective cream.所有露在外面的皮肤都应该涂上防护霜。Many of the prisoners were covered with sores.很多犯人满身是疮。Cars were covered with clear-coat finish at the factory to protect the underlying paint from fading.工厂给汽车上了透明罩漆,以防底漆褪色。




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