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例句 There does not appear to be universal agreement on the future of the British monarchy.对于英国君主制度的未来似乎没有普遍一致的意见。All animals appear to have some capacity to learn from experience.所有动物似乎都有某种从经验中学习的能力。They appear to have lost confidence in their manager.他们好像已经对经理失去了信心。The airplanes seemed to appear out of nowhere.这些飞机不知从何处突然飞来。The initiate knows that dinner is nearing an end when the rice and tea appear.有经验的人知道,米饭和茶上桌时,宴席也就接近尾声了。A large number of tables and figures appear in the report.报告中有大量的图表和数字。They appear to exist in significant numbers.看起来他们大量存在着。The runners and riders appear in Friday's Racing Post.赛马和骑手的资料都会刊载在星期五的《赛马邮报》上。The car seemed to appear from nowhere.这辆车好像突然从哪里冒了出来。Settlements started to appear all along the river.沿这条河开始到处出现了小村落。Cracks began to appear in the surface of the earth.地球表面开始出现裂缝。Liz would have run, except that she didn't want to appear to be in a hurry.要不是因为不想显得很匆忙,莉兹就会奔跑起来。Ministers must appear before parliament and justify their actions.大臣们必须就自己的行为向议会作出解释。The accused will appear before a specially constituted military tribunal.被告将会面临特别军事法庭的审判。It is arguable that this was not as grave a handicap as it might appear.有证据表明,这种残障不如看起来那么严重。The American will appear before members of the disciplinary committee at Portman Square.那个美国人将在波特曼广场接受纪律委员会成员的审问。The charity says the journalists appear to have obtained confidential documents in an unorthodox manner.慈善机构称那些记者似乎以非正常手段取得了秘密文件。He was ordered to appear the following day, but absconded.他被传唤于第二天出庭,可是他逃跑了。A contingent of reporters waited in front of the court for the defendant to appear.一群记者在法院门前等待被告的出现。As election day neared, reports of new scandals began to appear in the press.随着选举日期的临近,有关新的丑闻的报道开始见诸报端。She tries to appear to be both glamorous and modest at the same time.她尽力表现得既有魅力又谦逊有礼。Computer codes appear within braces.计算机代码显示在大括弧里。The paper quoted him out of context to make it appear that he did not care about the inmates' condition.报纸对他的话断章取义,造成了他不关心犯人生活条件的假象。The Academy Awards appear to validate his career.奥斯卡金像奖似乎是对他事业的肯定。Not wishing to appear thick, but what exactly are you doing?我不想让自己显得很傻,可你到底在干什么?The blood is infiltrated into the disorganized tissues and dark blotches appear on the skin.血液渗入已遭破坏的组织,皮肤上出现深色斑点。The peacocks feathered and lovely colours began to appear.孔雀长出了羽毛,鲜艳的颜色开始呈现。I was startled to see a face suddenly appear at the window.看到窗户上突然出现的脸,我吓了一大跳。The President's flip-flops on taxes made him appear indecisive.总统在税收问题上的大转弯给人以优柔寡断的印象。In most cases, well-designed systems of covering or encapsulation do appear to work.在大多数情况下,设计良好的覆盖或封装系统似乎确实管用。You must be absolutely silent or the birds won't appear.你必须绝对安静,不然鸟儿就不会飞出来。Some important new characters appear in the sequel.在续篇中新出现了一些重要人物。I don't want this to appear a boast.我不想让这句话听上去像是自夸。This remark did not appear in revised editions of the work.这一评述在作品的修订版中没有出现。Some foreign governments appear happy to gloss over continued human-rights abuses.一些外国政府似乎很乐于搪塞持续发生的侵害人权问题。These findings appear consistent across racial and ethnic groups.这些发现看上去具有超越种族和民族的一致性。Cracks began to appear in the ceiling.天花板上开始出现裂缝。He waited in his dressing room until it was time for him to appear on stage.上台前,他一直在化妆室里等候。She has been summonsed to appear at St Albans magistrates' court.她已经收到传票,要求其到圣奥尔本斯地方法院出庭。I have this unfulfilled ambition to appear on television.我想上电视的夙愿尚未得偿。




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