例句 |
The phone rang and, half-asleep, Winston fumbled about to find the receiver.电话铃响了,温斯顿于半梦半醒之间笨手笨脚地摸索着找话筒。The narrative is inert and sloppy, as if the author had been writing half-asleep.这个故事既没意思又无条理,好像作者是在半睡半醒中写的。Moira was half-asleep when the phone rang and it took her a few seconds to realize what it was.莫伊拉非常困,这时电话铃响了,几秒钟后她才意识到那是什么声音。His eyes have the blankness of someone half-asleep.他两眼无神,像半睡半醒一样。 |