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词汇 half an hour
例句 I hate these official cocktail parties, but I suppose I'd better put in an appearance for half an hour.我讨厌这些官方的鸡尾酒会,可是我想我最好还是露一下面,待上半个小时。After half an hour, the fish stopped biting and we moved on.半个小时以后,鱼儿不再咬钩了,我们只好换地方。The meeting has stretched out for half an hour.会议已延长了半个小时。Meet me back here in half an hour - I just need to finish up a couple of things.半小时之后回到这里和我碰头,我只需要把几件事处理完。She dashed off three letters in half an hour.她在半小时内匆忙写完三封信。It took us half an hour to find somewhere to park.我们花了半小时才找到停车的地方。I had to wait over half an hour for the train this morning.今天早上我等火车等了半个多小时。I'll wander around the mall for half an hour.我要在商场里兜半个小时。We spent half an hour looking for the keys, but eventually gave up and went home.我们找了半个小时的钥匙,但最后还是放弃,回家去了。I've been waiting for you for half an hour. Where have you been? 我等了你半个小时。你去哪儿了?It takes me about half an hour to get ready in the mornings.早上我需要大约半小时做准备。I only slept about half an hour that night.我那天晚上只睡了大约半个小时。It took me half an hour to hale the heavy box down the stairs.我费了半个小时的工夫才把那只重箱子拖到楼下。I spent half an hour trying to find a parking space.我花了半小时找一个停车的地方。There was not a ticket to be had, half an hour after booking opened.预订票出售开始后半小时,就一张票也不剩了。I only arrived half an hour ago.我半小时前才到的。With only half an hour to get everything ready, it was all hands on deck.只有半小时就要把一切都准备好,这得人人出力了。When he condescended to speak, he contradicted himself three or four times in the space of half an hour.他赏脸开腔后,半个小时内就有三四次说话自相矛盾。She goes on duty in half an hour.半小时后她开始值班。They were tented in a small village about half an hour from Toluca.在距离托卢卡半小时路程的一个小村庄,他们被安排在帐篷里宿营。I waited for half an hour. 我等了半个小时。I was supposed to be working this evening but what the hell - I'll see you at the bar in half an hour.今晚我本来应该工作的,但这也没关系——半小时后我们酒吧见。The engine will take half an hour to cool down.引擎需要半小时才能冷却。She tossed the article off in half an hour.她在半小时内很快地把文章写了出来。I'm outta here in half an hour. 我将在半小时内离开这里。A back tyre blew after half an hour tearing along a rocky road.在石头路上狂奔半个小时后,一个后胎爆了。It takes half an hour for the medication to kick in.药片半小时后药力开始显现。She was half an hour late.她迟到了半小时。The old woman knelt in prayer for half an hour.老妇人跪着祷告了半个钟点。All the remaining business could be completed inside half an hour.余下的所有业务能在半小时内完成。This piece is, what, about a half an hour long?这首曲子有,嗯,大约半个小时那么长,对吗?I need to sit down and unwind for half an hour.我需要坐下来休息半个小时。I ought to say, in Jim's defence, that he only heard about the meeting half an hour ago.我得为吉姆说一句,他半小时前才听说开会的事。He finally drifted in half an hour after everyone else.他终于飘然而至,比别人迟到了半个钟头。We must allow half an hour for lunch.我们必须给出半小时来吃午饭。We queued for half an hour waiting for a free space in the car park.我们为了等一个空车位在停车场排了半小时队。He spent half an hour scouring the newspaper for any mention of the fire.他花了半个小时在报纸上寻找有关这场火灾的报道。He tore off a speech in half an hour.他用了半小时匆匆写了一份演讲稿。She can whip through the programme in half an hour.她能在半小时内迅速完成计划。What time do you call this, Martin? You were supposed to be here half an hour ago.现在是什么时候了,马丁?你在半小时之前就应该到了。




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