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词汇 quirky
例句 He has a quirky sense of humor.他有种怪异的幽默感。Michael and I share a quirky sense of humour.迈克尔和我的幽默感都很怪异。We've developed a reputation for being quite quirky and original.我们因为风格奇特又独具创意而名声在外。I like his quirky sense of humour.我喜欢他那种怪异的幽默感。She has a quirky sense of humour.她有一种古怪的幽默感。Myssi is well known in Finland for her quirky food column, which is syndicated across the country.迈茜以其奇思妙想的食品专栏闻名芬兰,该专栏在全国多家报刊均有刊登。I said that she was quirky, but I meant it in a good/positive way.我说她有点怪,但我并无恶意。He's a quirky fellow. You'd better leave him alone.你最好别理他,他是个古怪的人。He was tall and had a quirky, off-beat sense of humour.他个子高高的,有一种独特、另类的幽默感。




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