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词汇 Engineers
例句 Engineers were unable to find the source of the problem in the spacecraft's cooling system.工程师无法找到宇宙飞船冷却系统中的问题所在。Engineers said that plutonium could begin seeping from the corroded sub.工程师说钚可能会开始从遭腐蚀的潜艇往外渗透。Engineers have been working throughout the night to make the bridge safe.为了使大桥安全,工程师们干了一个通宵。Engineers spent many months refining the software.工程师们花了数月来完善这个软件。Engineers spend much time and energy developing brilliant solutions.工程师们花费很多时间和精力来开发完美的解决方案。Engineers are hoping network congestion will become a thing of the past.工程师们希望网络拥塞不再出现。Engineers noticed that the pipes were not expanding as expected.工程师们发现管道并没有如预期的那样膨胀。Engineers are busy checking over the equipment.工程师们正忙着对这套设备进行全面检查。Engineers will be seconded to the factory to gain experience.工程师会被短期调派到工厂去积累经验。This degree programme is fully accredited by the Institution of Electrical Engineers.这门学位课程由电气工程师学院鉴定完全合格。Engineers have removed a section of the pipeline, making it about a hundred metres shorter.工程师拿掉了一段管道,把它缩短了约一百米。Engineers have identified serious design flaws in the proposed nuclear waste dump.工程师们已确认拟建的核废物处理站存在严重的设计缺陷。Engineers are trying to pinpoint the cause of the trouble.工程师们在设法找出故障的原因。Engineers are finding new ways to harness the sun's energy to heat homes.工程师正在寻找利用太阳能给家庭供热的新方法。Engineers found the structure had been corroded by moisture.工程师们发现该建筑已经受潮腐蚀。Engineers are still trying to locate the fault.工程师们仍在努力查找故障之所在。Engineers calculated the stresses borne by each of the bridge supports.工程师计算了每座桥墩所承受的压力。Engineers are always looking for ways to minimize drag when they design new aircraft.工程师们设计新型飞机时一直寻找在最大程度上降低空气阻力的方法。Engineers plan to run the telephone cables under the river.工程师计划在河底铺设电话电缆。Engineers will test the performance of the tires.工程师们将测试这些轮胎的性能。Engineers are working to prevent the tower from toppling over.工程师在设法防止这座塔倒塌。Engineers will inspect the site later today.工程师们会在今天晚些时候来检查工地。Engineers think they have licked the problem with the rocket engine.工程师们认为他们已经解决了火箭引擎的问题。Engineers surveyed the property to see what could be built on it.工程师勘测了这块土地,以决定能建什么。




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