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词汇 grown
例句 She seems to have gone off Mark since he's grown a beard.自从马克留了胡子,她好像就不喜欢他了。Financial markets have grown in sophistication as well as size.金融市场的规模不断扩大,复杂程度也越来越高。My wife says I'm being overprotective, and that our daughter has grown into a responsible young woman.妻子说我过分保护孩子,然而我们的女儿已经长成了一个有责任感的年轻女性。The number of unemployed people has grown.失业人数增加了。They were close friends in high school, but they've since grown apart.他们高中时曾是亲密的朋友,但从那以后渐渐疏远了。She has two grown-up sons.她有两个成年的儿子。We've grown very attached to this town and wouldn't want to move.我们渐渐喜欢上了这个小镇,不想搬家了。They were close friends once, but they have drifted/grown apart. 他们曾是亲密的朋友,但如今已疏远了。He had grown more attractive with age.随着年龄的增长,他变得更加有吸引力。Her popularity has grown to mythic proportions.她受欢迎的程度令人难以置信。Whether she likes it or not, she's got to accept that her kids are grown up now.不管她愿不愿意,她都得接受,孩子们现在已经长大成人了。Dad, I'm a grown woman. I know what I'm doing.爸爸,我不再是个小女孩了,知道自己在做什么。The use of IT in areas such as accounting and finance has grown at an astonishing rate.信息技术在会计和金融等行业的使用增长之迅速令人惊讶。Dryness at the roots can occur very easily specially when plants are grown in containers.根部很容易干枯,特别是当植株被种养在盆中时。Customers have grown impatient with/at the repeated delays.顾客们已经对一拖再拖感到不耐烦了。Her tastes have changed as she's grown older.她的品位随着年龄的增长改变了。I don't like to see a grown man in tears.我讨厌看大男人哭鼻子。They're a middle-aged couple, with grown-up children.他们是一对中年夫妇,孩子们都已成年。The antagonism between her two grown sons was almost too much for Celia to bear.两个成年儿子之间的对立几乎让西莉亚无法承受。It's great to have a grown-up meal in a restaurant, sans kids!餐馆里只有成年人,没有小孩子真好。Get the children to tell a grown-up if they're being bullied.跟孩子们说,如果被人欺负就告诉大人。How grown-up you look!你看起来很成熟啊!His business has grown latterly. 他的生意近来扩大了。I've grown rather weary of all your excuses.对于你的种种借口,我越来越感到厌烦了。The EU bureaucracy in Brussels has grown in size and authority.欧盟在布鲁塞尔的官僚体系规模扩大了,权力也增加了。These latest paintings show how the artist has really grown in maturity.这些最新的画作表明这位画家如何已真正走向了成熟。I cannot abide grown women pretending to be cutesy little girlies.我受不了成年女人装成一副娇滴滴小女孩的样子。With the children grown up, she is enjoying her new-found freedom.子女们长大成人后,她享受着新获得的自由。The plant had grown quite large.这棵植物已经长得非常高大了。Guys who have grown up on a ranch know almost by instinct what needs to be done to keep it running.凡在牧场上长大的人几乎凭直觉就知道要把它经营下去该干些什么。He thought that since she'd had children, she'd grown more attractive and womanly.他觉得她生了孩子之后,变得更有魅力和更有女人味了。Lewis had grown philosophical about life.刘易斯在人生问题上变得很达观。The company has grown in absolute terms, but its share of the market is actually less than it was a few years ago.按绝对价值计算这家公司已经发展了,但与数年前相比,公司的市场份额实际上下降了。Perhaps he has grown wiser with age.或许他随着年龄的增长变得明智些了。The chicks have grown their adult feathers.这些小鸡已经长出了成年鸡的羽毛。He has grown both emotionally and intellectually.他的情感与智力均有所成长。Locally grown food is fresher, and cheaper in/into the bargain. 当地出产的食品更新鲜而且也更便宜。A lot of corn is grown in this area - the soil seems to suit it very well.这个地方种的玉米很多——看来这里的土壤非常适合玉米生长。Her songs tackle grown-up subjects.她的歌曲唱的都是成年人的事情。The people have grown intolerant in recent weeks of the King's autocratic ways.最近几周国王的专制行径让民众忍无可忍。




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