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词汇 历经
例句 Throughout his ordeal his will remained unbroken.历经磨难,他的意志仍然很坚强。He saw a lot of action in the war.他在那次战争中历经了多次战斗。The sorrows of her earlier years gave way to joy in later life.她早年历经坎坷,晚年却快乐无忧。Production of the movie has been a bumpy ride. 这部影片的制作历经坎坷。It's so dangerous that even hardened journalists won't go there.太危险了,即使历经磨炼的记者也不会到那儿去。The organization has had its ups and downs.这个组织已历经兴衰浮沉。Arafat has survived crises, setbacks, and challenges to his leadership.阿拉法特历经危机、挫折以及对他领导权的挑战,挺了过来。With infinite difficulty and repeated miscarriages, I at length effected my purpose.历经无数困难并迭遭挫折之后,我终于实现了我的目标。These new companies are parasites feeding off the success of those who spent the last decade establishing the industry.那些人历经十年才成功建立起了这个产业,这些新公司现在则坐享其成。They really ran her through the mill.他们真是驱使她历经了磨炼。Some climbers are critical of the ease with which Qomolangma can now be climbed.一些登山者对现在人们不历经艰辛就轻易登上珠穆朗玛峰持批判态度。The girl's parents have been through the wringer since she disappeared.这个女孩失踪以后,她的父母历经了各种磨难。Both of them have been through an awful lot and hopefully now I can help them rebuild their lives.他们两人都曾历经磨难,但愿现在我能帮助他们重建正常的生活。The company has undergone many ups and downs.这家公司历经盛衰浮沈。After years of renovations and improvements, the city has been reborn as a tourist destination.历经多年的整修和改善,这座城市重新成为一个旅游胜地。Premature babies have a hard time even under the best of circumstances.即使在最好的条件下,早产儿也会历经磨难。We took any amount of trouble to obtain documents.为了弄到文件,我们历经艰辛。After repeated hardships and several close calls on his life, he arrived at the top of the world.历经千辛万苦九死一生,他终于到达了世界之巅。Jerusalem has seen endless conquests and occupations.耶路撒冷历经无数次征服、占领。This article and the accompanying video takes you through each stage step by step.这篇文章以及所附视频会带你一步步历经每个阶段。He has been through much trouble.历经许多苦恼。After a number of mishaps she did manage to get back to Germany.历经一番磨难之后,她设法回到了德国。Ellsworth was a martyr to his sense of honour and responsibility.埃尔斯沃思为了自己的荣誉感和责任感历经磨难。Time has winnowed out certain of the essays as superior.历经岁月淘洗,某些文章终成经典。




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