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词汇 历来
例句 Light traditionally analogizes with intellectual brilliance.历来被用来比拟智慧的芒焰。This college has a long tradition of athletic excellence.这所大学在田径运动方面历来成绩骄人。For my money, he's one of the best TV comedians ever.依我看,他是历来最好的电视滑稽演员之一。Sport has always been very important in this part of the country.体育运动在该国这一地区历来都很重要。It is always an important occasion for setting out government policy.历来都是阐明政府政策的重要时机。The Liberals were traditionally seen as the more pacific party.自由党人历来被认为更加温和。Traditionally management has called upon workers to cooperate in increasing productivity.管理层历来要求工人配合,提高产量。The Democrats are in danger of alienating their traditional supporters.民主党人士有疏远历来的拥护者的危险。Concrete particularity is the stuff and strength of History Workshop.具体、准确是《历史研讨》期刊历来的特征和强项。Politeness is traditionally part of the British character.待人礼貌客气历来是英国人性格的一部分。Hell is traditionally associated with suffering.地狱历来与受苦联系在一起。Crisis has always been the normal state of affairs in our country's politics.出现危机在我们国家的政局中历来都是正常现象。More women are entering traditionally male jobs.更多的妇女干起了历来由男人担当的工作。Rosemary is traditionally recommended to bring lustre and depth to dark hair.人们历来首选用迷迭香来使头发更加乌黑亮泽。His latest book reflects the old preoccupations with sex and religion that typify much of his work.他的新书反映了人们历来对于性和宗教的关注,这也是他大部分作品的特点。Hell is traditionally associated with suffering…地狱历来与受苦联系在一起。Abstention is traditionally high in Colombia.在哥伦比亚,弃权率历来较高。This group are clearly the most heartless bankrupts ever to govern our nation.在我们国家历来的统治者中,这个集团显然是最残忍和丧尽天良的。Sons are traditionally expected to emulate their fathers.历来认为儿子会仿效父亲。The color black is traditionally associated with mourning.黑色历来是和哀悼相关联的。There has always been a danger of enemy infiltrators in the organization.历来都有敌人混进组织内部的危险。Workers traditionally express their discontent by going on strike.工人们历来用罢工来表示不满。Traditional ideas about literature have gone unquestioned.有关文学的传统观点历来没有争议。He is the youngest person ever to be given a death sentence in San Diego County.他是圣迭戈县历来最年轻的被判处死刑的人。Severe and unpredictable weather is a perennial danger for mountain climbers.天气恶劣多变历来是对登山队员的一大威胁。Money is a perennial source of disagreement among couples.钱财历来是夫妇之间不和的根源。




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