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词汇 groom
例句 He made/proposed a toast to the bride and groom.他提议为新娘新郎干杯。Let us drink to the bride and groom.让我们为新娘、新郎干杯。The groom asked his brother to be his best man and the bride asked her sister to be her maid of honor.新郎请他的弟弟做男傧相,新娘则让她的妹妹当女傧相。The groom wore a morning coat.新郎身穿一件晨燕尾服。I proposed a toast to the bride and the groom.我提议为新娘新郎干杯。She wore a lovely tiara but the groom, not to be outdone, had on a very smart embroidered waistcoat.她戴了一顶漂亮的冕状头饰,而新郎也毫不逊色,身着一件非常讲究的刺绣西服马甲。The bride and groom cut the wedding cake.新郎新娘切结婚蛋糕。Everyone drank a toast to the bride and groom.大家都为新娘新郎干了杯。The groom helped him get onto his horse.马夫帮他上了马。The head groom is responsible for seeing that Milton and his stablemates have safe journeys.马夫长负责确保密尔顿及其他来自同一养马场的赛马都安全到达。After the wedding the bride and groom went straight to the airport for their flight to Fiji.婚礼之后,新娘新郎直接前往机场搭乘飞机去斐济。A groom hurried up to take his horse's head.一个马夫迅速上前牵住马头。We were asked to make way for the bride and groom.有人叫我们给新郎和新娘让路。Three cheers for the bride and groom! Hip, hip, hooray!为新娘新郎欢呼三声!希普,希普,乌拉!The only people who were present for the ceremony were the bride and groom, the priest, and two witnesses.出席婚礼的只有新郎和新娘、牧师以及两个证婚人。The bride and groom exchanged vows.新娘和新郎互许誓言。The guests threw confetti at the bride and groom.宾客向新娘和新郎抛撒五彩纸屑。The bride and groom rode in a limousine from the church to the reception hall.新郎、新娘乘坐豪华轿车从教堂来到接待大厅。A photographer followed the bride and groom at a discreet distance.摄影师以不引人注目的距离跟在那对新人后面。They clinked their glasses together to toast the bride and groom.他们碰杯向新郎、新娘致贺。I can see I'll have to tame you, groom you a little.我看得出,我必须驯服你并给你打扮一下。We had to muck out stalls and groom the horses.我们必须得打扫马厩,刷洗马匹。Except for the priest forgetting the groom's middle name, the ceremony came off without a hitch.除了牧师把新郎的中间名忘了之外,婚礼进行得还算顺利。Everyone raised their glasses to toast the bride and groom.所有的人举杯为新娘和新郎祝酒。We all drank a toast to the bride and groom.我们大家向新娘新郎敬酒。He became a groom at Barranette stud in Reading.他成为雷丁市巴勒耐特种马场的一名马夫。They threw the groom a bachelor party. 他们为新郎举办了一个婚前单身汉聚会。The groom was overcome by nerves before his wedding.这位新郎在婚前极度紧张。Usually the bride's father proposes a toast to the health of the bride and groom.通常新娘的父亲会提议为新郎新娘的健康干杯。Queen Elizabeth rides with a groom yesterday at Windsor Castle in London.昨天,伊丽莎白女王和一名王室侍从官在伦敦温莎城堡骑马。She seated us next to the bride and groom.她安排我们坐在新娘和新郎旁边。The groom held the stirrup while Anne mounted.安妮上马时,马夫抓着马镫。Ladies and gentlemen, will you raise your glasses to the bride and groom.女士们先生们,请大家举杯祝贺新娘和新郎。It is traditional for the groom to buy presents for the bridesmaids.按照传统,新郎应该给女傧相买礼物。Here's to the groom-to-be! Bottoms up!这杯酒敬准新郎!干杯!I would like to propose a toast to the bride and groom.我提议为新郎新娘干杯。Everyone toasted the bride and groom.大家举杯祝福新娘新郎。The groom was so nervous he forgot to compliment the bridesmaids.新郎非常紧张,都忘了夸奖女傧相。A Brahmin priest was blessing a groom, his bride, and their large families.一位婆罗门牧师正在祝福新郎、新娘和他们的大家庭。He proposed a toast to the bride and groom.他提议为新郎新娘干杯。




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