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词汇 grinned
例句 She grinned derisively while I seethed with rage.我怒火中烧,她却嘲弄地咧着嘴笑。Anna grinned slyly.安娜会意地咧嘴笑了。He scrunched up his eyes and grinned.他眯起眼睛咧着嘴笑。Ben grinned at his father and winked.本朝他父亲咧咧嘴,眨了眨眼睛。Ted grinned in evasion and cleared his throat.特德咧嘴笑了笑,避而不谈,然后清了清嗓子。Nicholas looked up, grinned, then returned to his newspaper.尼古拉斯抬起头,咧嘴笑了笑,然后继续看他的报纸。Jeremy grinned broadly before he remembered himself and assumed a serious expression again.杰里米咧开大嘴笑了笑,意识到自己失态,旋即又摆出一副严肃的神情。He grinned cheekily and left the room.他调皮地咧嘴一笑,然后离开了房间。They grinned with pleasure.他们高兴地笑起来。Charles grinned broadly.查尔斯开心地笑了。She relaxed and grinned wickedly back at him.她放松下来,向他报以顽皮的一笑。She gave over teasing and grinned at him.她不再取笑他,只是朝他咧着嘴笑。She grinned at me, her eyes sparkling.她咧着嘴对我笑着,两眼放光。The man grinned, showing bad teeth.那男人咧着嘴笑,露出一口坏牙。The boy grinned, and then yelped as someone hit him in the back.那男孩咧着嘴笑,后来有人揍他的背,他就大叫了起来。He grinned a wide, toothy grin.他嘴咧得大大的,露出牙齿笑着。He grinned at the knot of fans behind him.他朝身后的一小群粉丝咧嘴一笑。When he was told that he had won the first prize, he grinned from ear to ear.当他被告知自己得了一等奖时,他咧开嘴笑了。Nancy grinned at him.南希朝他咧着嘴笑。John grinned boyishly.约翰孩子气地咧嘴一笑。He grinned his adorable grin.他露出可爱的笑容。He grinned and cocked the gun with his thumb.他咧嘴笑着,用拇指扳上扳机。Porter clasped his hands behind his head and grinned.波特用双手抱住后脑勺,咧嘴笑了。He grinned and let out a piercing whistle.他咧嘴一笑,吹出一声刺耳的口哨。She grinned her appreciation of my help.她露齿一笑表示感激我的帮助。He grinned evilly.他狞笑了一下。I grinned at him in unashamed delight.我高兴地朝他笑了笑,一点也不觉得难为情。He grinned with apparent innocence.他咧嘴笑了,一副天真的样子。Jeff grinned evilly as he picked up the phone.杰夫拿起电话时狞笑了一下。The soldiers grinned and glanced at each other.士兵们咧嘴笑了,互相扫了一眼。He grinned at her ruefully.他懊悔地对她咧嘴一笑。Amy grinned her happiness at him.埃米一脸幸福地冲他咧着嘴笑。The wolf grinned in an ugly way.那条狼咧着嘴一副狰狞相。Frieda grinned, pinching him on the butt.弗里达咧嘴笑了,捏了捏他的屁股。She grinned to herself at the thought.想到这儿,她不由得笑了出来。She grinned foolishly at him.她咧著嘴对他傻笑。Michael grinned wickedly.迈克尔坏坏地咧嘴笑了。She grinned devilishly.她阴险地咧嘴一笑。The girls grinned and nudged each other.女孩子们笑着相互推搡起来。Buck licked his lips and grinned like a Cheshire Cat.巴克舔了舔嘴唇,咧嘴一笑,活像一只柴郡猫。




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