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词汇 grate on
例句 Mr Fen had a loud voice that grated on her ears.芬先生嗓门很大,直刺她的耳朵。Their rude manners grate on us.他们的粗鲁无礼激怒了我们。Hague's Yorkshire monotone grated on the radio and television.黑格那约克郡特有的单调语调刺耳地回响在广播和电视中。The door grated on its rusty hinges.这扇门因铰链生锈开关发出嘎嘎的声音。Cool air whooshes up through the grates on the street.冷空气吹得大街上的格栅呜呜作响。The singer's high notes grated on the ears of her listeners.这位女歌唱家的高音调使听众感到刺耳。That shrill laugh grated on her.那种刺耳的笑声让她难受。The boy's manner of speech grated on his father.男孩说话的态度触怒了他父亲。His manner always grated on me.他的态度总是让我感到气恼。A chair grated on the wooden boards.椅子在木板上蹭得嘎吱作响。His rude manners and loud voice grated on me.他粗野的举止和大嗓门真让我受不了。Her shrill voice can really grate on your nerves/ear.她那尖锐的嗓音真的能让你觉得烦躁/感到刺耳。His negative attitude is starting to grate on me. 他的消极态度开始让我感到恼火。Even the name grated on his ears.甚至连那名字他都觉得刺耳。That loud music grates on my nerves.那震天价响的音乐使我神经受不了。




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