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词汇 a patch of
例句 She pitched onto the green from a patch of tall grass.她从深草区击高球,把球打到球穴区。There was a patch of raw skin on my back where the sun had burned it.我背上有一块皮肤被太阳晒伤了,非常疼。He slipped on a patch of ice.他在一块冰上滑了一下。Belinda watched a patch of sunlight move slowly across the wall.贝琳达看着一小片阳光从墙的一边缓缓移到另一边。We finally found a patch of grass to sit down on.我们最后找到一小片草地可以坐下来。I hit a patch of ice and couldn't control the car.我撞到一块冰上后便无法控制汽车了。The cat was black except for a patch of white on the very tip of its tail.那只猫通身黑色,只有尾巴尖儿上有点儿白。There was a patch of waste land behind the church.教堂后面有一块荒地。The plane had plowed a path through a patch of forest before coming to rest in a field.飞机猛冲过一片森林,在一片田野中停了下来。The dog lay in a patch of shade with its tongue hanging out.那条狗躺在一块阴凉处,舌头耷拉在嘴外面。Her car skidded on a patch of ice.她的车在一片结冰的路面上打滑。The plane had ploughed a path through a patch of forest before coming to rest in a field.飞机在森林的一块地方冲出一条路来,最后停在了田地里。There was a patch of garden behind the house.屋后有一小块园地。The car hit a patch of ice and went into a skid.汽车撞到一块冰上,打了个滑。The truck spun out on a patch of ice.卡车在一冰块上打滑失控。I searched for a patch of shade to rest in.我想找一块儿阴凉处休息。I could see a patch of blue sky through the clouds.透过云层我能看到一小片蓝天。For a moment I thought you had a patch of grey hair, but it's just a trick of the light.一时间我以为你长了一撮白发,看来只是光线造成的错觉而已。The accident happened when her car slid on a patch of ice.这场事故的起因是她的汽车在冰上打滑。I noticed a patch of dirt in the middle of the rug.我发现地毯中间有一块污斑。We found a patch of open ground in the middle of the woods.我们在树林中发现了一块开阔地。He reset a patch of land with tomato plants.他在一小块地上重新种上番茄。I was going through a patch of poor health.我那段时间健康状况不佳。The car hit a patch of ice and went into a slide. 车轮压上一块冰,开始打滑了。They found a patch of sand on crowded beaches.他们在拥挤的海滩上找到了一小块沙地。The car hit a patch of ice and spun into the wall.汽车碰到路面上的冰块,打着转撞到了墙上。The horses stood near a patch of scrub.那些马站在一小片灌木丛附近。




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