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例句 Many people are now having trouble making their monthly house payments.现在很多人在支付房款月供上都有困难。Oil was splattering across the stove.油溅得整个炉子上都是。The bush looked badly diseased, with black marks on all the leaves.看起来这片灌木已饱受病害之苦,叶子上都出现了黑斑。He spends most Saturday evenings watching something mindless on television.他大多数星期六晚上都在看些无须动脑筋的电视节目。Because the train was delayed, all the coaches were completely jammed.由于火车晚点,所有客车上都完全挤满了人。Nearly all seats have an unrestricted view.几乎在所有的座位上都可以看到完整清晰的画面。Each month's service features a different speaker.每月举行的宗教仪式上都安排有不同的人演讲。I was awake all night scratching my mosquito bites.我一晚上都没睡着,一个劲地挠蚊子叮咬的地方。The walls were panelled with oak.墙壁上都镶着橡木板。They spent the evening doing guy things. 他们一晚上都在做那些男人们的事Troops were stationed all along the border.整个边境上都有驻军。Framed prints decorate every wall.每一面墙上都挂着带镜框的照片。It's customary on most ships to tip the room steward.大多数客轮上都有给房间服务员小费的惯例。Vegetarian restaurants and health food shops are springing up in every high street.每条大街上都冒出很多素食餐馆和保健食品店。Her husband would drink away his wages every Friday night.她的丈夫每周五晚上都会去把工资喝光。Minor skirmishes broke out all along the border.整条边境上都爆发了小冲突。Most members of Parliament took a hard line on this issue.绝大多数议员在这个问题上都持强硬立场。We were packed like sardines all the way home on the bus.我们回家时公车一路上都拥挤不堪。These two books differ in both style and substance. 这两本书在风格和内容上都截然不同。Anti-theft devices are fitted to all our cars.我们所有的汽车上都安装了防盗装置。Both greyhounds ran spectacularly at the track.两条灵【犭是】在赛道上都跑得飞快。Our bank used to have a branch in every high street.我们银行过去在每条商业大街上都设有一家分行。The President is in sync with Thompson's views on many issues.总统在很多问题上都和汤普森的意见一致。The case even got a mention in some of the national newspapers.此案甚至在一些全国性的报纸上都报道了。The distinctive double knuckle, which used to appear like a signature on all Olesinski designs, has gone.过去所有奥莱辛斯基设计上都采用的标志性双接头,现在已经看不到了。Jen was up all night writing her grant proposal.珍一晚上都在忙着写那份补助金申请表。She stuck labels on all the jars.她在所有的罐子上都贴了标签。The English were outnumbered and outgunned, but they fought heroically.虽然英国人在人数和武器上都占下风,但他们却英勇作战。Whenever thoughts of his baby daughter enter his mind, a smile appears on Jeremy's face.无论何时想起他的小女儿,杰里米的脸上都会露出笑容。I spent the morning hoovering.我一早上都在用真空吸尘器打扫卫生。Overnight all the windowpanes had frosted over.一夜之间,窗玻璃上都结满了霜。The patient developed pressure sores on the toes of both feet.病人两只脚的脚趾上都长了褥疮。Until recently secretarial work and nursing were very much pink-collar professions.以往秘书工作和护理工作基本上都属粉领职业,到近来情况才有所改变。None of the projects proved financially viable.实践证明,这些项目在财政上都不可行。The golfer is pictured on many of the front pages, kissing his trophy as he holds it aloft.许多报纸的头版上都刊登了那个高尔夫球手高高举起奖杯亲吻的照片。She said that the fighting has halted almost all relief work in the area.她说战争使这一地区所有的救灾工作基本上都中断了。The building has intricate geometric designs on several of the walls.这栋建筑物的好几面墙上都有花纹精致的几何图案。Every page was margined with comments.每页的页边上都加了评注。Scientists traditionally divide the oceans into zones.科学家传统上都把海洋划分成区。I spent the evening chatting up Liz.我一晚上都在和莉兹调情。




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