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词汇 上过
例句 One landowner says he has never had any problems with hikers crossing his property.一位地主称,穿越他土地的徒步旅行者从未惹上过麻烦。Apart from the fact that we went to the same school, we have absolutely nothing in common.我们俩除了上过同一所学校以外,就毫无共同之处。None of the pieces is insured.没有一件艺术品上过保险。He still mourns the fact that he never went to college.他仍然在为从未上过大学而痛心。My brother never went to college, but he still has a very good job.我哥哥从未上过大学,但他还是有一份非常好的工作。I didn't realize that Melanie hadn't been to college - I suppose I just took it for granted.我不知道梅拉妮没上大学——我只是想当然地认为她上过了。The king was too precipitate in declaring war.国王在宣战一事上过于轻率。Jody tried the college thing but finally dropped out.乔迪也上过大学,但最后没读完。She returned the money to him for conscience' sake.为了良心上过得去,她把钱还给了他。The Indian of the West is a rover of the plain.西部的印第安人在大平原上过著游牧生活。Isn't it amazing to think that men have actually stood on the moon?想一想,人类竟然已经上过月球了,这不是很了不起吗?People who have never gone to school are usually illiterate.从未上过学的人往往目不识丁。The president was never on the plane at all.总统根本就没有上过这架飞机。If he'd attended music school, how might things have been different?.如果他上过音乐学校,事情会有怎样的不同呢?Oiled wood is water-resistant and won't flake.上过油的木头不仅防水,而且不会剥落。He never took piano lessons - he just plays by ear.他从没上过钢琴课,他只是凭听觉记忆的演奏。I went to school with him – he was nasty then and he's nasty now.我和他一起上过学 — 他那时很讨厌,现在还是很讨厌。There's nothing whatever which need bother your conscience.决没什么让你良心上过不去的。That's the school that Terry went to.那就是特里上过的学校。We spent the night in, a miserable little border town.我们在一个破落的边境小镇上过夜。Has his young lady met the family?他的女朋友上过门么?They lived a rough life on a small island.他们在小岛上过著简陋的生活。He attended a prestigious boarding school in Massachusetts.他在马萨诸塞州一所有名的寄宿学校上过学。That actor has been on five prime time programs.那位演员已经上过五次黄金档的节目。The floors have been varnished.地板已经上过清漆了。The boarding school I went to was not much good.上过的那个寄宿学校不怎么样。He's been off work ever since he hurt his back in a riding accident.自从在一次骑马事故中伤了背后,他就没有上过班了。I'm pretty sure they slept together before they were married.我敢肯定他们结婚之前就上过床了。I knew him when we were in college – as a matter of fact we were on the same course.我们在大学的时候我就认识他 — 事实上我们一起上过课。The wooden panelling was gleaming with wax polish.木嵌板上过蜡,显得很光亮。The leather has been treated with wax.这块皮革上过蜡。We had such a cool time at your party.我们在你的晚会上过得愉快极了。We studied civics in high school.我们中学时上过公民课。My mother was the only one in her generation to go to university.我妈妈是她那一代唯一上过大学的人。He never went to college; he was educated in the school of hard knocks.他从未上过大学,而是从奋斗经历中受教育的。Which university did you go to, Oxford or Cambridge?上过哪所大学?牛津还是剑桥? She led a secluded life on the family farm.她在自家的农场上过着隐居生活。She was in the papers a short while ago.她不久前上过报纸。Her face was once on the cover of Vogue magazine.她的脸孔曾经上过《时尚》杂志的封面。I admit I'm shooting from the hip here, but I think it's a decent idea.我承认在这个问题上过于草率,但我认为这主意不错。




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