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词汇 govern
例句 They were utterly unfit to govern America.他们完全没有能力治理美国。They thought it was their divine right to govern the country till the crack of doom.他们认为,统治这个国家直到世界末日是他们神圣的权力。He is unable to govern his temper.他无法压住自己的火气。This group are clearly the most heartless bankrupts ever to govern our nation.在我们国家历来的统治者中,这个集团显然是最残忍和丧尽天良的。The recent spate of government scandals has left a question mark over their ability to govern.近期政府的一系列丑闻使人们对其执政能力产生了疑问。How would he govern if he were elected president?如果他当选总统,他会如何当政?We will be studying the forces that govern the Earth's climate.我们将研究影响地球气候的诸要素。They go to the polls on Friday to choose the people they want to govern their country.他们周五去投票站选举他们想要的国家管理者。If independents do end up holding the balance of power, then they decide whether Labor or the Liberals govern for the next four years.如果无党派议员果真取得了举足轻重的地位,那么他们将决定由工党还是自由党来组成下一届四年期政府。Their work includes the identification of genes which govern the growth rate and fertility.他们的工作包括找出那些控制生长率和繁殖能力的基因。A president needs popular support in order to govern effectively.总统需要大众的支持方能有效治理国家。Latin nouns govern adjectives that modify them.拉丁语名词决定了修饰它们的形容词的词形变化。The republics began asserting their right to govern themselves.各个共和国开始维护自治的权利。He accused the opposition party of being unfit to govern.他指责反对党没有资格执政。The former Chancellor questioned the Prime Minister's ability to govern.这位前财政大臣对首相的治国能力提出了质疑。He was inept and lacked the intelligence to govern.他没有什么能力,缺乏管理才干。He is the only party leader competent enough to govern this country.他是党内唯一有能力管理这个国家的领导人。He says Labour would govern with common sense and common decency.他表示,工党将以常识和常礼来治国。The vast size of the country made it difficult to govern.这个国家面积很大,难以管理。It is undemocratic to govern an area without an electoral mandate.不经选民授权就统辖一个地区是不民主的。To govern effectively, he will need a working majority in Congress.为了有效地管理,他需要在国会中获得足够多数票。We are fortunate to live in times where such interdicts and proscriptions do not govern our lives.幸运的是,我们生活在这些禁令不主宰生活的年代。They want to form their own country and govern themselves.他们想建立自己的国家,自己当家做主。They cannot govern effectively without their coalition partners.缺少了执政伙伴,他们无法有效地施政。The Prime Minister is incompetent to govern the country.首相管理国家不称职。They are now in a position to govern the state in alliance with either the Free Democrats or the Green Party.他们现在可以选择与自由民主党人或绿党结盟来执掌国家政权。Income must govern expenditure.支出须由收入支配。The opposition cast doubt on his ability to govern.反对党对他的领导能力表示怀疑。The scandal limited her ability to govern effectively.这个丑闻让她无法有效实施管理。The party will not be able to govern alone.这个政党不能单独执政。




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