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词汇 被单
例句 Somebody short-sheeted my bed at summer camp.夏令营有人恶作剧,把我的被单整得让我伸不开腿。Put the sheets in the tumbler drier.被单放进滚筒式烘干机里去。She turned down the bedsheets.她把被单折了过来。The sheets felt rough against her skin.被单贴着皮肤她感觉有点儿磨。I threw a sheet over the sofa.我用被单盖住沙发。I slid into bed between cool white sheets.我上床钻进了凉凉的白色被单里。The friction of the sheets against his skin was torture…被单摩擦着他的皮肤,简直像是酷刑。The sheets were tucked tightly under the mattress.被单的边缘紧紧地塞在床垫下面。I pulled the sheet up over my nose.我把被单拉上来盖住鼻子。The sheets are hanging out to dry.被单正挂在外面晾干。She settled it over him, tucking the soft coverlet around his narrow frame.她给他盖好被单,把软边掖进他瘦条条的身体下。The bedsheets were in good nick as well, without a tear or even a mend in sight.这些被单也很好,没有破洞,甚至连一个补丁都没有。The sheets felt nice next to his bare skin.被单紧贴着他裸露的皮肤,感觉很舒服。I slipped between the crisp clean sheets.我钻到崭新洁净的被单底下。Shiona shivered beneath the bedclothes.希奥娜在被单下面瑟瑟发抖。Paula drew back the sheet and looked at the sleeping child.葆拉拉开被单,看着熟睡的孩子。The sheet flapped and ballooned in the wind.被单在风中飘动,被吹得鼓鼓的。These sheets I've bought are a cheat; they are too short for the bed.我买的这些被单是冒牌货,铺在床上尺寸太短。He had always dreaded being singled out.他总是担心被单挑出来。A tent was put over his legs to stop them being rubbed by the sheets.他两腿上面盖了隔幕,以免被被单擦着。People trudged on, carrying shapeless bundles full of clothes or bedding.人们抱着一捆捆包得乱七八糟的衣服和被单艰难地行走。The hotel puts clean sheets on all the beds every day.旅馆每天都给所有的床铺换上干净被单Her right arm wiggled out from under the sheet.她的右臂扭动着伸出了被单The police had covered the body with a sheet.警察已用被单盖住尸体。She pushed the crumpled, stained sheets into the washing-machine.她把又皱又有污迹的被单塞进洗衣机。She lay between the cool sheets.她躺在被窝里,被单和褥单都很清爽。Cover yourself up with this sheet.把这条被单裹在身上。The sheets outside on the washing line had gone stiff in the frost.晾在外面晾衣绳上的被单被霜冻得硬绷绷的。The sheets billowed on the clothes line.晾衣绳上的被单扬了起来。The bed had clean sheets and warm blankets.床上是干净的被单和暖和的毯子。I simply wrapped the sheet around her.我只是帮她把被单掖好。I could see her toes peeping out from under the sheet.我看见她的脚趾从被单下露出来。The turndown of the sheet covered the frayed edge of the blanket.被单翻折下来的部分遮住了毯子磨损的边缘。She lifted back the sheet.她把被单往后拽了拽。




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