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You're too passive, Harry. You should just tell her you don't want to go.你太被动了,哈里。你应该告诉她你不想去。Everything in the office was out of position.办公室的所有东西都被动过了。The only question is whether the President can use his extraordinary political skills to turn the tables on his opponents.唯一的问题是,总统能否运用他杰出的政治手腕化被动为主动,击败对手。A tourist was robbed after being given a drugged orange.一名旅游者在喝了一杯被动了手脚的橙汁饮料后遭到了抢劫。Blind children tend to be more passive in this area of motor development than sighted children.失明的孩子在动作发展的这一方面往往比不失明的孩子更加被动。She acted in passive obedience to her boss's directions.她被动地遵照老板的指示行事。Even passive acceptance of the regime was a kind of collaboration.即使被动地接受该政权也是一种通敌。He has a larger passive vocabulary than he realizes.他的被动词汇量比他自己意识到的多。He listened passively as his sentence was read out.宣布对他的判决时他只是被动地听。The home team was soon under the cosh.主队很快就陷入被动。I want our organization to be less reactive and more proactive.我希望我们的组织少一些被动反应,多一些积极主动。The file was altered to falsify the evidence.文件被动了手脚来伪造证据。The voters were pressganged to the polls.选民被动员去参加投票。Emma plays far too passive a role in group discussions.埃玛在小组讨论的时候显得太被动了。His response was passive.他的反应是被动的。The criticisms put the organization on the defensive.人们的批评使这个组织很被动。Accusations are likely to put the other person on the defensive.控告很可能使对方陷入被动。We are passive recipients of information from the world around us.我们被动地接收周围世界的信息。TV is a completely passive activity.看电视完全是一种被动的活动。She did not turn a finger to escape the fate.她全然被动地听凭命运的摆布。Some transitive verbs will not passivize.一些及物动词不能用作被动形态。They put us under the cosh for most of the game.比赛的大部分时间里,他们都将我们置于艰难被动的境地。His passive acceptance of the decision surprised us.他被动地接受了决定令我们惊讶。Kathy seems to take a very passive role in the relationship.凯西在这一关系中似乎扮演着十分被动的角色。He's very passive in the relationship.他在这一关系中非常被动。He waited passively for me to decide.他被动地等我做决定。In her books, women are often portrayed in passive roles.在她的书中,女性常常被描述成被动的角色。Mass culture turns audiences into passive consumers.大众文化把受众都变成了被动消费者。 |