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词汇 被剥夺了
例句 She had been shorn of her power.被剥夺了权力。He has been shorn of his power.他已被剥夺了权力。The assembly had been shorn of its legislative powers.议会被剥夺了立法权。The king was divested of all his wealth and power.国王被剥夺了一切财富与权力。A fundamental human right is being withheld from these people.这些人被剥夺了一项最基本的人权。He was stripped of all his titles.他所有的头衔都被剥夺了He was stripped of his Olympic title after testing positive for anabolic steroids.他的蛋白同化甾类检查呈阳性后,被剥夺了奥运奖牌。The rebellious granddaughter was cut off without a dime.忤逆的孙女被剥夺了继承权。He was disinherited and turned out of his father's house.被剥夺了继承权并从父亲家被赶走。Their rights were stripped away.他们的权利被剥夺了The priest was disrobed.牧师被剥夺了权力。He complained that he had been denied his conjugal rights.他抱怨说他被剥夺了过夫妻性生活的权利。I feel I've been deprived of your company.我感觉我和你在一起的机会全被剥夺了I've been done out of what was rightfully mine!被剥夺了理应属于我的东西。He was kicked upstairs, given a fancy title, and stripped of most of his power.他明升暗降,得了个好听的头衔,却被剥夺了大部分的权力。His former rights are forfeit now.他先前的权利现已被剥夺了He was shorn of his strength.被剥夺了兵权。It would have been rough justice had he been deprived of this important third European win.要是他被剥夺了这一意义重大的第三个欧洲冠军头衔,那对他简直是太不公平了。Captain Evans was found guilty and stripped of his rank.上尉埃文斯被判有罪,被剥夺了军衔。They have been disempowered by a society that believes they are intellectually inferior.他们被社会认为智力低下,因而被剥夺了获取成功的机会。A senior official was stripped of all his privileges for publicly criticising his employer.一名高管由于公然批评其老板而被剥夺了所有特权。The ex-president, although shorn of his official powers, still has influence.前总统虽然被剥夺了权力,但是仍有影响力。The Congressman-elect was unseated for treating.那名当选的国会议员因请客拉选票被剥夺了议员资格。When a freshman is campused, he is not actually confined to the campus but merely deprived of some privilege or other.当我们说大学一年级生在校园里受到限制,这并不是说他真是被禁闭在校园内,而只是指他被剥夺了某些权利。She has been denied the right to appeal to the Supreme Court.被剥夺了向最高法院上诉的权利。He was stripped of his citizenship when he criticized the government.他由于批评政府而被剥夺了公民资格。Several ministers were stripped of parliamentary immunity as a prelude to facing corruption charges.数名部长被剥夺了议会豁免权,这还只是对其提起腐败指控的前奏。The diet allows you to eat small amounts of your favorite foods, so you won't feel deprived.这个食谱允许你进食少量自己最喜欢的食品,这样你就不会感到被剥夺了饮食的权利。They are deprived of the ability to exercise the most rudimentary workers' rights.他们被剥夺了行使最基本的工人权利的资格。The prisoner's exercise privileges were taken away. 这个犯人的活动特权被剥夺了These people are culturally disfranchised.这些人在文化上被剥夺了权利。The two peers were disrobed of their glory.这两个贵族被剥夺了荣誉。She feels that women have been disempowered throughout history.她认为在历史的长河中女性一直是被剥夺了权利的。Many candidates were pinched for campaign funds.许多候选者被剥夺了竞选资金。A lot of these children have been deprived of a normal home life.这些孩子中有许多被剥夺了正常的家庭生活。The defendant was deprived of his human rights.被告被剥夺了人权。He had been denied the benefits of a good education.被剥夺了接受良好教育能带来的好处。Under Stalin, Soviet citizens were deprived of their most basic human rights.在独裁者的统治下,公民被剥夺了最基本的人权。He was deprived of his rights to education.被剥夺了受教育的权利。The president had been completely stripped of power.总统的权力已完全被剥夺了




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