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词汇 got in
例句 I had got in the habit of going around with bare feet.我已经习惯光脚。What have you got in the boot?你汽车后备箱里有什么?I got in a taxi and went to the hospital immediately.我坐上出租车立刻去了医院。He got in his car and tore off down the road.他钻进汽车,疾驰而去。She got in to Oxford.她被牛津大学录取了。She was rubbernecking and almost got in an accident herself.她驾车时东张西望,差点儿发生事故。They got in the car and zoomed away.他们登上汽车疾驶而去。He got in a flap over the delays in the schedule.他对进度的拖延感到不安。The mayor got in by a very slim margin.市长以微弱优势当选。She's got in with a very arty set.她和一群搞艺术的人在一起。She got in trouble for talking in/during study hall.她自修课时讲话惹上麻烦了。The neighbors' dog got in through a gap in the hedge.邻居的狗从树篱的缺口钻了进来。After the picnic the kids flaked out as soon as they got in the car.野餐后孩子们一坐进汽车就睡着了。Mark just got in a few minutes ago.马克几分钟前才到家。Someone got in and walked away with the jewels while we were out.我们外出时,有人进来偷走了首饰。He got in by means of a stolen key.他是用偷来的钥匙进来的。They must have got in through the bathroom window.他们一定是从浴室窗户进去的。What's that you've got in your hand?你手里拿的是什么?We got in under the wire.我们赶在开始前入场。Mum and Dad were in a right state when I got in.我被录取后,爸爸妈妈很兴奋。We got in the back of the car.我们钻进了小汽车后部。She forgot to lock her door one day and two men got in.有一天她忘了锁门,两个男人溜了进来。He's done damn all since he got in this morning.他从今天上午进来后,就他妈的什么都没做。Her social life got in the way of her studies.她的社交生活妨碍了学业。They got in through a downstairs window.他们从楼下的窗子钻了进来。If the Conservatives got in they might decide to change it.如果保守党赢得选举,他们可能会决定改变这一现状。She got in the habit of leaving her keys on the counter so she wouldn't forget them.她习惯把钥匙放在柜台上,这样就不会忘记带。If you got in on the act, you wouldn't be short of money for years.如果你也入一股的话,你会有好几年不愁没钱的。The train got in late.火车晚点到达。Soldiers got in a fight and busted up the bar.士兵们参加斗殴并毁坏了酒吧间。The critics got in their zingers.批评者们发起抨击。He got in with that rather disreputable clique.他与那个名声相当臭的小集团开始厮混在一起。They put up the bird table, but it got in everyone else's way so Les tried to take it down.他们支起鸟食台,可是人人都嫌它碍事,所以莱斯就想把它拆了。I got in and pushed the button for the fourth floor.我进去后按了四楼的按钮。She has a left-hand drive mini that she got in France.她有一辆在法国买的左座驾驶的微型汽车。Labour recorded its highest vote ever, but the Tories got in again.工党的得票率有史以来最高,但保守党再一次当选。He wouldn't scruple to shoot you dead if you got in his way.如果你妨碍他,他会毫无顾忌地开枪打死你。The burglars got in by breaking a pane of glass in a door.窃贼是打碎了门上的一块玻璃进了屋的。When I got in, the message light on my answering machine was blinking.我进门时,我的电话答录机上的留言指示灯在闪烁。I'm pleased with the grade I got in the class.我对自己在班里的成绩满意。




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