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例句 These books go on the top shelf.这些书放在书架顶格。He willed himself to go on.他希望自己继续下去。Most performers feel nervous before they go on stage.大多数表演者上台之前都会感到紧张。Inflation will go on rising.通货膨胀将继续上升。We can't afford to go on holiday.我们没钱去度假。Despite the political upheaval, for most people life goes on as usual. 尽管有政治动荡,对大多数人来说日子却是照旧。At the dinner table, my father would go on and on, showing off, aggrandizing himself.晚餐时我父亲总会说个没完,不停地炫耀和自我吹嘘。Let's kick off with an Indian meal somewhere, and go on to a club after that.我们先到哪里去吃顿印度菜,然后再去找一家夜总会吧。If their demands are not met, nurses will go on strike, a nightmare scenario for the Government.如果要求得不到满足,护士们就会举行罢工,这对政府而言是件可怕的事。Only a few of the artifacts will be put on display. = Only a few of the artifacts will go on display.只有几件手工艺品将公开展出。The shoes go on the shoe shelf.鞋子放在鞋架上。She has threatened to go on a hunger strike if her colleagues are not released from prison.她扬言,如果不把她的同伴从监狱里放出来,就绝食抗议。Cross the main road, then go on down the lane to the village.穿过大路,然后沿着通往村庄的小路继续走。The first part of the book is pretty boring, but it gets a lot better as the story goes on.这本书的第一部分挺无聊的,但随着故事的发展就好看多了。I don't love him any more and I can't go on living a lie.我不再爱他了,我无法继续装出爱他的样子。I will go on loving James through thick and thin no matter what happens.不管发生什么,不管经历多少艰辛,我都会一直爱着詹姆斯。Make sure you get insurance before you go on holiday.去度假之前一定要买好保险。The latest Disney film goes on general release next month.迪斯尼公司制作的最新一部电影将在下个月公映。I don't care what they say.I shall go on just the same.我不管他们说什么,我将照样干下去。A well-preserved male model can go on working into his forties.一名保养得好的男性模特儿可以一直工作到四十多岁。At least a quarter of his spare money goes on books.他的余款至少有四分之一花在书上。We could go on a picnic today.我们今天可以去野餐。The movie he rented was about a maniac who goes on a murderous rampage.他租的这部电影讲的是一个到处杀人的疯子的故事。I didn't think that she would go on a date with that worm. 我认为她不会和那个讨厌鬼约会。If he goes on like this he'll lose his job.如果他继续这样下去,他会丢掉差事的。We were perfectly content to go on walking until it got dark.我们十分满足地继续行走,一直到天黑。Many women go on to the pill after they have had one child.许多妇女生了一胎后服用避孕药。All computers will go on sale later this month.本月晚些时候所有电脑都会降价出售。A lot of backbiting goes on in our office.我们办公室里经常有人背后说人坏话。Why don't you go on without me?你干嘛不先走?不要等我。You can go on ahead. I'll stay behind to help clean up.你可以继续往下干,我在后面清理。Jilly and I decided to cheer ourselves up and go on a spending spree.我和吉利决定去大买特买让自己开心开心。How did you go on for food while you were out of work?你失业时吃的问题是怎样解决的?The loss on Monday zapped any chance the team had to go on to the finals.周一的失败使这支队丧失了一切冲击决赛的机会。The report goes on to make a number of recommendations to improve safety on aircraft.该报告接着提出了一些改善飞机上的安全措施的建议。Unemployment is likely to go on rising this year.今年的失业人数可能会继续上升。The protestors threatened to go on a hunger strike if their demands are not met.抗议分子威胁如果不满足他们的要求就要绝食抗议。You did not have to be a clairvoyant to see that the war would go on.就算没有未卜先知的能力也能料到战争会持续下去。Wear the low-cut blouse with your pink shorts - go on, I dare you!穿上那件低胸衬衫,再配上粉色短裤——就照这样打扮,你有胆量就穿上试试!They say God spoke to them and told them to go on a mission to the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.他们说上帝让他们去西半球最贫困的国家传播教义。




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