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词汇 tilt
例句 He is bold enough to tilt at social injustices.他敢于抨击社会上的不公正现象。This activates the train's tilt mechanism.这就能启动火车的倾斜装置。The plant is operating at full tilt to cope with demand.为应付需求,这家工厂全速生产。As the ship began to tilt, we clung on for dear life.当船开始倾斜的时候,我们竭力抓住船身。He charged full tilt down the slope.他全速冲下斜坡。I positioned the photo at a slight tilt.我把照片稍微倾斜着放。The heater has been going full tilt all morning.加热器整个早上都在全速运转。She criticized the media's tilt toward one of the candidates.她对媒体偏向其中一位候选人的做法进行了抨击。The chair had one leg shorter than the others, making it tilt.那把椅子有一条腿低于其他腿,所以是歪的。He gave a tilt of his head. 他歪了歪脑袋。Opinion polls are showing a marked tilt towards the Nationalist Party.民意调查表明舆论明显偏向国民党。The abrupt tilt of the hill took us by surprise.那座山突现的坡度令我们出乎意料。The turn of the airplane was so shallow that he felt no tilt in his seat.飞机转弯非常平缓,以至他在座位上并不感到倾斜。She ran full tilt into his arms.她飞奔着扑进他怀里。The picture is at a slight tilt. 照片有一点歪了。The hat looks better if you tilt it to one side, like this.把帽子往旁边歪一点会更好看,就像这样。Whitham is heading for a tilt at the world championship next year.惠瑟姆正在朝着夺取明年世界冠军的目标而努力。The front seats of the car tilt.汽车的前座可以倾斜。The steering wheel can tilt downward.方向盘可以向下倾斜。He was determined to use his remaining year with Manchester United for one last tilt at the League title.他决心利用他效力曼彻斯特联队的剩余一年时间最后一次冲击联赛冠军。The team is preparing for another tilt at the European Cup.球队正在准备再一次问鼎欧洲杯。The teams were tied in the standings heading into last night's tilt.在进入昨晚的比赛前,参赛的两队在积分榜上不分上下。She smiled with an upward tilt of her head.她甩了一下头,笑了起来。Some Congressmen are uneasy about the government's Pro-Russian tilt in foreign policy.有些国会议员对政府外交政策上的亲俄倾向感到不安。You'll probably be more comfortable if you tilt the seat back.你把座位向后斜可能会觉得更舒服些。His first tilt at Parliament came in the same year but he failed to win the seat.同年,他首次尝试进入国会,但没有赢得席位。Let your head tilt forwards.头低一点。The table has a definite tilt at this end.桌子这边确实有点歪。Suddenly the boat started to tilt.忽然船翘了起来。The team wants a tilt at the championship.这个队想要赢得冠军。He opened the rear door for me with an apologetic tilt of his head.他为我打开后门,侧了下头表示歉意。The chairman also criticised the plan for its tilt towards higher taxes rather than lower spending.主席也批评该计划倾向于主张高税收而不是低消费。Let your head gently tilt forward.你把头稍稍低下一些。He had a sharp tilt with the manager.他与经理激烈争论。The paper has done much to tilt American public opinion in favour of intervention.该报做了大量工作,使得美国舆论倾向于支持干涉。Officials tend to tilt toward secrecy from a parochial view of their responsibilities.官吏出于狭隘的责任观念往往倾向于保密。The boat began to tilt away from the horizontal.船开始倾斜。Larry Layton's trial is going full tilt right now.拉里·莱顿一案的审判工作即将全面展开。He was making a major effort to tilt American policy towards Africa.他正在作出重大努力使美国政策向非洲倾斜。As John approached at full tilt he saw a queue of traffic blocking the road.约翰全速接近的时候,看到一大串车辆挡住了道路。




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