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词汇 go at
例句 I command that he go at once.我命令他立即就去。I really must get a new jacket - this one's starting to go at the elbows.我真的得去买件新外套了——这一件肘部都快磨坏了。Some people had a go at us for it, which made us more angry.一些人因为此事攻击我们,这使我们更加气愤。The dam/roof is weakening and it could go at any time.大坝/屋顶越来越不牢固,随时有可能决堤/坍塌。I don't want everyone to go at once and leave me all on my tod.我不愿大家同时全走,只留下我独自一人。My watch kept going slow; now it won't go at all.我的表一直慢,现在干脆不走了。The press is having a go at the Prime Minister.新闻界正在抨击首相。How are you going to go at the job?这项工作你将怎么着手进行?They urged us to go at once.他们催促我们马上去。We decided to go at the last minute.我们决定等到最后一刻再去。They were so beautiful that I decided to have a go at growing them.它们真漂亮,我决定种种看。My parents never stop quizzing me about where I go at night.我父母老是没完没了地盘问我晚上去了哪里。Why don't you just have a go at skiing? You might surprise yourself.你为什么不试试滑雪呢?你可能会让自己吃一惊的。His custom in court was to go at witnesses, judges, and juries with a bludgeon.他在法庭上习惯于用大刀阔斧的方式对付证人、法官和陪审团。I'll have a go at repairing the roof myself.我要试一下自己来修屋顶。We had a go at trying to coax the cat indoors using scraps of food.我们试了试用一点食物把猫引进屋内。The thought was drumming in his mind that he should go at once.应该立刻就去的想法在他头脑里不停地回响着。I wasn't worried about being late. Actually, I didn't want to go at all.我不怕迟到。其实,我根本就不想去。The company let him go at the end of the month. = He was let go at the end of the month.公司在月底解雇了他。We would go at each other, have knockdown fights.我们会相互攻击,殊死搏斗。Do you like to have many projects on the go at any one time?你喜欢一次忙多个项目吗?That being the case, we had better go at once.情况既然如此,我们最好立刻就去。How did it go at the hairdresser's?你去理发店理得还算满意吗?They have several projects on the go at the same time.他们同时开展好几个项目。She couldn't know what time he'd go, or even for certain that he'd go at all.她不知道他何时走,就连他到底走不走都说不准。The head decided I should have another go at matriculation.主任作出决定:我需要重新申请入学。He said he hadn't understood the rules, and we let it go at that.他说他不懂这些规则,我们也就算了。I was not quite satisfied with my haircut but let it go at that.我对给我理的发不很满意,但也只好算了。They are ready to go at a moment's notice.他们一切准备就绪,说走就走。The head decided I should have another go at matriculation.校长决定我应该再参加一次入学考试。I always wanted to have a go at football.我一直都想试试踢足球。The new jazz club seems to be the in place to go at the moment.这家新的爵士乐俱乐部好像是当前的热门去处。You ought to give it a go at least.你至少也应该尝试一下。My Dad's always having a go at me about getting a proper job.我爸爸总是指责我不找个正儿八经的工作干。My jeans are starting to go at the knee.我的牛仔裤膝盖上开始破了。Even the children had a go at steering the boat.甚至孩子们也尝试操纵船舵。Let me have another go at it.让我再试它一次。Let's just say that I got in a little trouble with the police, and leave it at that. = Let's let it go at that. 我们就说我和警方有点小纠葛,就说那么多吧。Furniture of this style will go at a high price.这种款式的家具将卖得高价。They had to go at the problem from many different angles before they finally solved it.他们不得不从许多不同角度研究才最终解决了这个问题。




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