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She lives in a dark, grimy bedsit.她住在一间又黑又脏的起卧两用房里。The book is a combination dictionary and thesaurus.这本书是词典和同义词词典两用。His bedroom had been designed as a bed-sitter and the bed itself was a studio couch.他的卧室被设计成了卧室兼起居室的两用房间,而卧床本身又是一只坐卧两用的长沙发。The tool is a combination jackknife and bottle opener.这是个大折刀和开瓶器两用工具。He was living alone in a dingy bedsit in London.他独自一人住在伦敦一间昏暗的客卧两用出租屋里。She loves oven-to-table Corning wares.她爱极了烘烤上菜两用的康宁瓷器。He followed her up a rickety staircase to a squalid bedsit.他跟着她上了一段摇摇晃晃的楼梯,来到了一间邋遢的卧室起居室两用房间。 |