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例句 I've taken my driving test twice, and both times I've mucked it up.我参加过两次驾驶考试,两次成绩都很糟。You are advised to leave a wide interval before you have your next child.建议您在两次妊娠之间留出较长的一段间隔期。She skived off school twice last month.上个月她逃课两次They are in twice daily radio contact with the rebel leader.他们每天用无线电和叛军首领联系两次The all-powerful central committee meets twice a year.拥有最高权力的中央委员会一年开两次会。Germany between the two world wars两次世界大战间歇期中的德国The defense gave up two touchdowns in the first quarter.防守队员让对方在第一节两次达阵得分。She has lived through two world wars.她经历过两次世界大战。Within a few years of the two World Wars, the standard of living of Western European countries was higher than ever before.两次世界大战后的几年里,西欧国家的生活水平达到了前所未有的程度。The witness said that on both occasions he noticed Davis because of his heavily tattooed arms.证人说他两次都注意到了戴维斯,因为他手臂上刺有很多文身。Just water these plants twice a week, and likewise the ones in the bedroom.这些植物一周浇两次水,卧室里的那些也一样。At our school, we always went to chapel twice a day.在学校时,我们总是一天做两次礼拜。She cut into our conversation twice.两次打断我们的谈话。The ball bounced twice before hitting the net.球弹了两次才击到网上。He does weight training at the gym twice a week.他每周在健身房进行两次举重锻炼。Our children attend the group twice a week to learn about Sikhism.我们的孩子一个星期参加两次这个小组,学习锡克教方面的知识。He made two escape attempts while serving a sentence for armed robbery.他因持枪抢劫被判刑,服刑期间两次企图越狱。I washed the shirt twice, but I couldn't get the stain out.这件衬衫我洗两次了,可还是除不掉那处污渍。That's twice now he's just walked in here without so much as a by-your-leave and picked a book off the shelf!他已经两次未经允许就走进来从书架上取书了!The vessel wooded twice during the voyage.船在航行中两次添装木柴。The scientists conducted two aerial surveys followed by two ground surveys.科学家们在两次地面勘测后又进行了两次空中勘测。He's phoned twice already this morning.他今天早上已经打了两次电话。It is totally unprecedented for a man to win two lottos in a row.一个人可以连赢两次乐透可说是史无前例的。The tug nearly turned turtle twice, but I managed to keep her upright.拖船两次都差点翻个儿,但我设法稳住了船身。The attorney has won two acquittals.这位律师已有两次使委托人无罪获释。Twice before he had been in New York with Gladys on summer vacations.他之前已经和格拉迪丝两次来到纽约度暑假。It would be unfair for us to have to pay twice.要我们付两次钱是不公平的。Twice he followed his own advice, with disastrous results.两次都自行其是,两次都遭到灾难性的后果。There have been two near misses at that airport recently.那个机场最近两次都侥幸避免了事故。They meet twice a week. 他们一周见两次面。He was floored twice in the second round.他在第二回合比赛中被击倒两次We have had two power failures in a five-month period.五个月来我们经历了两次停电。Water the plants twice a week, preferably in the morning.这些植物每周浇两次水,最好是在早晨。Male crabs shed their shells twice a year.公螃蟹每年蜕壳两次You should worm your dog twice a year.你应该每年给狗驱两次虫。I failed my driving test twice.两次驾照考试都没有通过。Our apartment has been burglarized twice since we moved here.我们搬到这里来以后,我们的公寓已经两次被盗了。At the convent, she went to confession twice a week.她在修道院里每星期作两次告罪。Many senior citizens have been through two world wars.很多年长的公民都经历了两次世界大战。You should visit the dentist twice a year.你应该一年看两次牙科医生。




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