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词汇 to compete
例句 The longer people have been unemployed, the harder it is for them to compete in the labour market.失业时间越长,就越难在劳动力市场与别人竞争。He'll have to work pretty hard if he wants to compete with the big boys in the industry.如果要和行业里的大人物竞争,他必须非常努力。The company says it is pointless to compete in the air package holiday market.该公司称,在航空包价旅游市场竞争没有意义。This law will help small businesses to compete on equal terms with large multinational corporations.这项法规有助于小公司与跨国大公司展开平等的竞争。Stand out, if you want to compete with me!想和我赛赛吗,站出来吧!They can't begin to compete with him.他们根本不能和他竞争。When I began to compete, I struggled with my run-up.比赛开始了,我竭尽全力助跑。Players have to be of a certain standard to compete in the tournament.选手们必须达到一定水平才能参加锦标赛。He refuses to compete on Sundays because of his religious beliefs.出于宗教信仰,他拒绝在礼拜天进行比赛。A new dictionary must be very good if it is to compete with the many already in the market.一本新词典必须质量优等才能与市场上现有的许多词典相媲美。The airline faces an uphill climb to compete with top air carriers.这家航空公司面临着与顶级航空公司竞争的艰巨任务。When I began to compete again, I was struggling with my run-up.当我重新参赛后,我要解决助跑这一项。He relishes the chance/opportunity to compete again.他很开心能有机会再比试一次。Management and workers must act in unison to compete with foreign business.管理层和员工必须行动一致,与外国企业竞争。If you hesitate, you may lose the opportunity to compete altogether.你如果犹豫,可能连参赛的机会都会失去。Animals in the wild have to compete for food.野生动物不得不为食物竞争。When people are forced to compete on unequal terms they become resentful.当人们被迫在不平等条件下展开竞争时,就会变得怨忿不平。As a stepmother, don't even try to compete with the children's mother for their love.作为继母,根本别想和孩子的母亲争夺他们的爱。Dubbed foreign language films will not be allowed to compete for best film.外国译制片不得参加最佳影片的角逐。The company is uniquely positioned to compete in foreign markets.公司的定位独特,主要在国外市场上竞争。The company must be able to compete in the international marketplace.这家公司必须能够在国际市场上竞争。Until the matter is resolved the athletes will be ineligible to compete.事情没解决,那些运动员便没有资格参加比赛。The company wants to compete on the world stage.那家公司打算参与国际市场的竞争。My daughter wants to compete in track and field.我女儿想参加田径比赛。Only weeks later fate struck again, leaving her unable to compete.仅仅几周后,她再次遭受命运打击,不能参加比赛。These young athletes have been training hard and are straining at the leash to compete.这些年轻的运动员训练非常刻苦,热切渴望参加竞赛。The company is well equipped to compete with its international rivals.这个公司条件优越,足以和国际对手竞争。If we are to compete successfully in world markets, we must invest more money in education and training.如果我们要在世界市场的竞争中取得成功,我们必须在教育和培训上投入更多资金。This is our last chance and we shall need to take it if we are to compete and survive.这是我们最后的机会,如果我们想要竞争并存活下来的话,就一定要抓住这次机会。The next year they brought out a low-priced car to compete with Ford.第二年他们推出了一款低价位车与福特车竞争。You'll have to compete with your betters.你必须要和比你能力强的人竞争。Every time I sing that line, I have to compete with that bloody trombone!.每次唱到那一句,我都不得不跟那该死的长号拼声音。They are now trying to compete on an equal footing.他们现在想要公平竞争。Nowadays we have to compete more and more with foreign companies.如今,我们必须与外国公司展开越来越广泛的竞争。It is essential for all players who wish to compete that they earn computer ranking points.对所有希望参赛的选手来说,获得电脑排名的分数非常重要。Traditional businesses are having to compete with the Internet.传统企业不得不与因特网竞争。We have to compete with several larger companies.我们要与几家大公司竞争。A small company like ours just doesn't have the resources to compete with the big corporations.像我们这样的小公司根本就没有资源和大公司竞争。Local firms are finding it difficult to compete in the international market.当地公司发现很难在国际市场竞争。They've only been trained to compete with other men, so a successful woman can make them feel like a real loser.他们只被教过要和其他男人一较高下,所以一个成功的女人会令他们觉得特别失败。




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