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词汇 glorified
例句 The movie was criticized on the grounds that it glorified violence.那部电影因颂扬暴力而受到批评。He's no more than a glorified accountant.说他是个会计师不过是个美称而已。Some places are no more than glorified pubs.有些地方不过就是些浪得虚名的酒吧。Some places were no more than glorified pubs.一些地方名字叫得好听,其实不过是酒馆而已。I didn't like the way the film glorified war/violence.我不喜欢那部电影美化战争/暴力的手法。The limousine was really just a glorified taxi.那部加长礼车不过是辆美化了的出租车而已。Many bosses view secretaries as no more than glorified typists.许多老板认为秘书只不过是个打字员,只是美其名曰秘书而已。His title is Assistant to the Director, but he's really just a glorified errand boy.他美其名曰是主任助理,但实际上只是一个小当差的。The emperor's achievements were glorified in numerous poems.大量的诗歌颂扬这位皇帝的功绩。I'm just a glorified secretary.我只不过是个美其名曰的秘书。Sometimes they tell me I'm just a glorified waitress.他们有时候对我说我只是个女招待,只不过称呼好听一些罢了。




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