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词汇 deliberately
例句 It looks as if the blaze was started deliberately.看起来似乎是有人蓄意纵火。I wasn't being deliberately insulting. I simply meant that more exercise would be good for you.我不是故意在损人。我的意思不过是多参加运动对你有好处。The production is deliberately styleless, and this takes the play out of its historical context.这部作品有意写得不具特殊风格,使剧本脱离历史背景。We thought at first that she had hidden herself deliberately.我们起先以为她是故意躲起来的。Her statement was deliberately misleading.她的声明故意误导人。I'm not suggesting you deliberately tried to mislead us, just that you made a mistake.我并不是说你有意在误导我们,只是说你搞错了。He deliberately spread lies in an effort to blacken my character.为了玷污我的人格,他蓄意散布谎言。He's deliberately picking fault with the meal to get a reduction on the bill.为了少付账,他故意在饭菜上找碴儿。We believe that her comments were deliberately meant to mislead the public.我们认为她的话是蓄意误导公众。Harry wondered if Potts had deliberately sent him on a wild goose chase.哈里疑心波茨故意让他白费力气地瞎找一通。His message was written in a deliberately elliptical style.他的留言故意写得很隐晦。I think Tom's just being deliberately obstructive.我认为汤姆是在故意阻挠。At best, voters think the government was economical with the truth, at worst they believe it deliberately lied.往好处说,选民们认为是政府刻意隐瞒了真相,而往坏处说,他们觉得就是政府在故意撒谎。Dan was a good man. He'd never hurt anyone deliberately.丹是个好人,他从不故意伤害别人。He stood by the door, deliberately blocking her exit.他站在门口,故意挡住她的去路。Someone had deliberately erased the tapes.有人故意抹掉了磁带内容。The rules are deliberately left flexible as each case is different.这些条例有意制定得比较灵活,因为情况各不相同。You're being deliberately vague.你是故意含糊其词。They claim that the report has been deliberately suppressed by the oil companies.他们声称这篇报道已遭到那些石油公司的刻意封锁和压制。You're deliberately unconventional. Even your choice of clothes is a statement of your non-conformity.你故意有悖传统,甚至连着装都在表明自己不认同主流思想。Tom grinned slyly at Fiona, but deliberately said nothing.汤姆朝菲奥娜狡黠地一笑,但故意什么也不说。You did that deliberately, just to annoy me.你故意做那件事,只是为了使我生气。I think he was being deliberately obtuse.我觉得他是在故意装傻。You're deliberately unconventional. Even your choice of clothes is a statement of your nonconformity.你是刻意在标新立异,连衣服的选择都在显示你的桀骜不驯。Had you truly forgotten or were you just being deliberately perverse?你是真的忘记了,还是故意作对?She deliberately averted her gaze when he came in.他进来时她故意把目光移向了别处。This crime was done deliberately.这一罪行系蓄意所为。You deliberately went in the other direction.你故意朝另一个方向走。The training brochure deliberately adopts a soft-sell approach.培训手册故意使用了劝诱推销的做法。The terms of the agreement were left deliberately vague.协议的条款故意写得很含糊。They deliberately slanted the story to make themselves look good.他们故意歪曲事实自我粉饰。Doctors commented that some patients deliberately prolong their treatment.医生说有些病人故意延长治疗时间。The government has deliberately frustrated his efforts to gain work permits.政府有意阻挠,不让他获得工作许可证。They are deliberately flouting the law in order to obtain an advantage over their competitors.为了在与对手的竞争中占据上风,他们公然藐视法律。My ex-wife deliberately sabotages my access to the children.我的前妻故意不让我接近孩子。The accounting firm deliberately destroyed documents to thwart government investigators.会计事务所故意毁坏文件,阻挠政府调查工作。The last part of her letter was deliberately ambiguous.她来信的最后一部分故意写得含糊不清。They have been accused of deliberately causing interference to transmissions.他们被指故意干扰信号传输。She left the letter there deliberately so that you'd see it.她故意把信留在那里,好让你看到。They accused him of deliberately sabotaging the peace talks.他们指控他蓄意破坏和平谈判。




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