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词汇 glimmer of hope
例句 The uneasy alliance between these two men offered a glimmer of hope.两人之间不够稳固的联合给了人们一线希望。I looked at her and felt a glimmer of hope.我看了看她,感到了一线希望。There is a faint glimmer of hope that they may be rescued.他们仍有一丝获救的希望。The transplant offers Lucy and her parents a new glimmer of hope.器官移植给露西和她的父母带来一线新的希望。Despite an occasional glimmer of hope, this campaign has not produced any results.虽然偶尔会闪现一丝希望,但是这场宣传活动目前并无任何效果。There are glimmers of hope on the horizon.就快看见希望的曙光了。The news gave a glimmer of hope that Michael might be released from prison early.这个消息带来了一丝希望—迈克尔也许能提前获释出狱。




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