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词汇 glasses
例句 He was groping around blind as a bat, looking for his glasses.他什么也看不见,到处摸索着找他的眼镜。He's that tall, dorky guy with the glasses.他就是那个戴眼镜的傻大个儿。We were wiping the spots from the wine glasses.我们在擦酒杯上的污渍。She sank two glasses of red wine.她匆匆喝了两杯红酒。He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.他把眼镜往鼻梁上面推了推。I'm so far-sighted, I can't read the newspaper without my glasses.我远视得很厉害,不戴眼镜就不能看报纸。The little rogue has his grandpa's glasses on.这个小淘气鬼戴上了他爷爷的眼镜。His glasses were fogging up.他的眼镜起了雾。Without my glasses everything looks fuzzy.不戴眼镜的情况下,我看什么都很模糊。Cookies are just the thing to serve with tall glasses of real lemonade.曲奇就应该搭配高脚杯的天然柠檬汁一起享用。He has difficulty reading without his glasses. 他不戴眼镜阅读很费劲。The waiters went around charging people's glasses ready for the toast.侍者们走来走去为大家准备干杯的酒杯斟满酒。A few dirty glasses were the only relics of the night before.几个脏杯子是前天晚上留下的唯一痕记。He wore glasses with thick lenses.他戴着一副镜片很厚的眼镜。I had never met Graham but I pictured him as a pale, thin young man wearing glasses.我从未见过格雷厄姆,但我想象他是个面色苍白、身材瘦削、戴着眼镜的年轻人。Dolly's store of drinking glasses had run out.多利存放的酒杯已经用完了。She breathed on her glasses then polished them on her shirt.她对着眼镜哈气,然后用衬衫擦亮眼镜。He left with several more glasses of brandy inside him.他往肚子里又灌下几杯白兰地后离去了。I don't have to wear my glasses all the time - just for reading.我不需要一直戴眼镜—只在阅读的时候戴。She sees life through rose-tinted glasses/spectacles.她对生活抱有盲目的乐观态度。I can read without glasses, but my distance vision is poor.我看书可以不戴眼镜,但远视视力很差。Several glasses slid off the tray and crashed to the floor.有几个杯子从托盘上滑下来,落到地板上摔碎了。She was constantly making readjustments to her glasses.她不时地调整她眼镜的位置。Do you remember when I pinched your glasses?你还记得我偷你眼镜的事儿吗?He was an owlish man, with little round glasses.他戴一副小圆镜片的眼镜,看上去严肃而聪明。The tiny little woman had huge black glasses.那个身材娇小的女子戴着一副硕大的黑框眼镜。Pete was a puny little boy with short hair and glasses.皮特是个瘦小虚弱的小男孩,短头发、戴眼镜。Now where did I put my glasses?我把眼镜放在哪儿了?These glasses will correct your sight.这副眼镜能矫正你的视力。He motioned to the barman to refill their glasses.他示意酒吧男招待给他们的酒杯续满。I'll just go and wash out these glasses.我这就去清洗这些玻璃杯。I've mislaid my glasses again.我又忘记把眼镜放在什么地方了。Can you read it to me? I'm as blind as a bat without my glasses.你能读给我听吗?我不戴眼镜什么也看不清。I looked all over for my glasses.我到处寻找我的眼镜。Frank's tinted glasses are perched precariously on his head.弗兰克的有色眼镜摇摇晃晃地架在头顶上。He's careless with his glasses and has lost three pairs.他用眼镜很马虎,已经丢掉三副了。The other children were always making fun of him because he was fat and wore glasses.别的孩子总是取笑他,因为他胖而且还戴着眼镜。I can't see you without my glasses.不戴眼镜我看不清你。My daughter's long-sighted and wears reading glasses.我女儿远视,要戴阅读镜。Those glasses were very expensive. You can look but don't touch.那些玻璃杯非常贵,你可以看但不要碰。




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