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例句 It appears at first glance/sight to be a simple matter of hiring more people.乍一看,这似乎只是个多雇些人的简单问题。One could tell at a glance that she was a compassionate person.一眼就能看出她很有同情心。She returned his smile with a frigid glance.对他的微笑她报以冷冷的一瞥。At a casual glance, the hill site was quite unsuitable.这个山丘场地乍一看很不合适。He cast a stern glance at the two men.他朝那两个人狠狠地瞪了一眼。Aunt Lou shot a warning glance at father just as he was about to speak.爸爸刚要说话,卢姨妈就向他投以警告性的目光。Her glance flickered briefly across to the group standing at the other side of the street.她迅速扫了一眼站在街对面的那伙人。She darted a sly sideways glance at Bramwell.她狡黠地从眼角瞥了布拉姆韦尔一眼。At first glance I saw that it was a high-class hotel.我一眼就看出这是个高级的旅馆。At first glance, organic farming looks much more expensive for the farmer.乍一看,有机耕作对农民而言似乎花费大多了。He shot a suspicious glance at me.他怀疑地看了我一眼。He took a furtive glance at the clock.他偷偷地瞧了一眼钟。He turned and gave us a baleful glance/glare/look.他转过身去,恶狠狠地扫/瞪/看了我们一眼。She gave him a quick sidelong glance.她迅速斜眼瞥了他一眼。Garin shot him a dark glance, as if in warning.加林恶狠狠地瞥了他一眼,好像是在警告。He can learn a page at a glance.他有一目十行的本事。He gave a nervous glance at the clock.他紧张地看了一眼钟。He gave her an abstracted glance, then returned to his book.他心不在焉地瞥了她一眼,又一头扎进他的书里。Hector gave her an upward glance and then continued reading the paper.赫克托抬头看了她一眼,然后继续看报纸。She threw Carlo a sultry glance.她向卡罗抛了个媚眼。She walked on without a backward glance.她没回头看,继续往前走。I walked away without a wave or a backward glance.我没有挥手,也没有回头看一眼就走了。I could see at a glance that the situation was serious.我一眼就看出情况很严重。At first glance the common wasp (Vespula vulgaris) appears to have little to commend it.乍一看,普通黄胡蜂并没有什么特别之处。I turned to glance back and saw two men coming towards me.我快速地转身,看见两个人朝我走来。I snatched a glance at the mirror.我乘机瞥了一眼镜子。The mayor gave a cursory glance at the report.市长匆匆浏览了一下报告。He signed the letter with only a glance at what I had written.他只瞥了一眼我写的内容就在上面签了字。A quick glance at the map showed that we were on the right road.匆匆地看了一下地图,我们走的路是对的。Pat summed up the situation at a glance.帕特一眼就看清了当时的情势。She shot a disapproving glance/look at her sister.她不以为然地看了姐姐一眼。He only had time for a hasty glance at the papers.他时间很紧,只能迅速浏览了一下报纸。Every time she caught his eye, she would glance away embarrassed.每次遇到他的目光,她都会窘迫地往别处看。I could see at a glance that it wasn't his own work.我一眼就能看出这不是他本人的作品。A quick glance at the state of rail finances shows the scale of today's problems.粗粗了解一下铁路系统的金融状况就能看出现在问题的严重程度。The software allows you to see at a glance what fonts you have on the computer.这个软件让你一看便知道你电脑上有些什么字体。Sherlock Holmes gave him a piercing glance.歇洛克‧福尔摩斯敏锐地瞥了他一眼。She gave the travellers a swift, incurious glance.她漫不经心地飞快向旅客们扫了一眼。She dropped her glance to hide her tears.她两眼垂视以掩饰泪水。At first glance the contract seemed to be fine.乍一看,这合同似乎很好。




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