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词汇 glad
例句 I'll be glad to elaborate if you want to hear more.如果你想进一步了解,我很乐意详细阐述。After driving for so long on the gravel I was glad to get on an even stretch of road.在砾石路上驾驶了那么长时间之后,我很高兴来到了一段平坦的路上。All the men were giving her the glad eye.所有男人都向她眉目传情。She thought she'd never been so glad to see his bulky form.她想她从来没有因看到他那肥胖的身躯而如此高兴。The scenery was beautiful. I was glad that we had a camera along with us. 这里景色很美。真高兴我们随身带了相机。I'm glad that we can have a difference of opinion and still be friends.我们虽然意见不一但仍然是朋友,这让我高兴。The mail brought glad news/tidings from our friends in England.这封邮件带来了我们英格兰朋友的喜讯。I'm really glad this old Miss what's-her-name is coming to tea.我真高兴这位名叫什么来着的老小姐要来喝茶。He moved among the guests, glad-handing well-wishers.他穿梭在宾客中间,热情地招呼前来祝愿的人。I'm glad about what happened.我为发生的事感到高兴。I'll be glad to get these exams over with.我倒是很乐意把这些试考完。We are glad to see you.我们很高兴见到你。We're glad to be on dry land again.我们很高兴又回到了陆地上。I'm awfully glad to see you.见到你我真是太高兴了。It was stifling in there; I was glad to get out.那里面很闷热,我很高兴出来走走。"I'll be so glad when this project is finished." "And how!"“这个项目完成了我会很高兴。”“我也是!”Viv was glad to learn they'd reached home safely.弗夫很高兴地得知他们已平安到家。She was only too glad to escape them all.能躲开他们,她实在太高兴了。We were glad to be home, but our happiness was short-lived.我们很高兴回到了家里,但是我们的幸福并不长久。They were both glad to have gotten through the divorce proceedings without any visible signs of hostility.和平走完了离婚程序,他们俩都高兴。I'm glad to have the chance to help.我很高兴能帮上忙。I was glad the movie had a happy ending.我很高兴这部电影有个圆满的结局。He'll be glad to be in regular work again.重新得到固定的工作,他将会很高兴。I was so glad to find this thread, and to know that lots of people have the same problem as me!我很高兴看到这张帖子,发现很多人也有我同样的问题!Good. I'm glad that's finished.好了。 我很高兴那件事做完了。It has been a job writing the book and I'm glad it's done.写这本书真费劲,现在终于完成了,我很高兴。I'm so glad you could come.我真高兴你能来。I'll be glad to show you everything.我将很乐意向你们展示一切。Seymour was glad to be behind the wheel again after his two-year ban.两年的禁驶令解除后,西穆很高兴又能重握方向盘。We were glad to get shot of that old car.我们很高兴终于把那辆旧车处理掉了。I was glad to escape the chill atmosphere of the meeting room.我很高兴逃离了会议室里的紧张气氛。After the noise of the city he was glad to retreat to his hotel room.经历了城市的喧嚣,他乐得躲进酒店的客房里。I'm glad for the chance to help.能帮上忙我很高兴。After all the hurry he was glad of a rest.忙乱了一阵以后,他很高兴能休息一下。During the blizzard I was glad I'd had the foresight to buy enough groceries.在那场大风雪中,我庆幸自己深谋远虑,事先买了足够的食品杂货。I'll be glad to see the back of him.我巴不得他离开。We were glad to be rid of our overcoats.我们把外套脱了浑身一轻松。He was glad to get his exams out of the way.他很高兴考试结束了。I'm so glad the mid-term exams are over and done with.我很高兴期中考试总算结束了。I would be glad/delighted to help. = I'd be glad/delighted to help.我很乐意帮忙。




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