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词汇 Gillian
例句 Gillian is passing on some of her priceless skill and experience.吉莉恩正在传授她那宝贵的技术和经验。Thanks for that, Gillian. Now, where was I?谢谢你,吉利恩。好了,我刚才讲到哪里了?Based on Edith Wharton's novel, this latest film stars Gillian Anderson.这部根据伊迪丝·沃顿的小说改编的最新电影是由吉莲·安德森主演的。Gillian said not to get any flowers - she thinks it's a waste of money.吉莉恩说不要买花,她觉得这是在浪费钱。Tell us, Gillian, how much do you have in the appeal fund now?吉莉恩,请告诉我们你现在有多少援助基金?He barged past her and sprang at Gillian, knocking her to the floor.他从她身边冲过去扑向吉利恩时,将其撞倒在地。Gillian saw two men dash past, but they didn't notice her.吉莉恩看见两个男人飞奔过去,但他们没有注意到她。Don't wait for Gillian to buy you a drink - she's too tight-fisted.别幻想吉莉恩会给你买饮料——她这人太小气。Just then, Gillian appeared as if from nowhere.就在这时,吉利恩不知从哪里冒了出来。




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