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词汇 generates
例句 Tourism generates income for local communities.旅游业为当地社区创造了收益。This business generates cash in prodigious amounts.这种业务收益丰厚。The new software generates both two-dimensional drawings and three-dimensional images.这个新软件既可以制作出二维图画,也可以制作出三维图像。A neuron generates an electrical impulse.神经元产生电脉冲。Investment generates higher incomes.投资带来更高的收入。It's a topic that generates a lot of heat.这是个让人十分气愤的话题。The burning foam generates such heat that other items ignite spontaneously.燃烧的泡沫材料产生很高的热量,致使其他物品发生自燃。Worldwide coverage beamed by satellite generates huge audiences accompanied by global advertising revenues.通过卫星发射的信号覆盖全世界,从而产生了大量的观众并在全球范围内赚取不菲的广告费。The ecological effects of the factory need to be balanced against the employment it generates.需要在工厂对生态造成的影响与其带来的就业机会之间权衡比较。The computer generates a steady stream of emails.这台计算机不断生成邮件。France generates a large part of its electricity from nuclear power.在法国大部分用电是通过核动力产生的。The friction between the satellite and the atmosphere generates great heat.卫星与大气的摩擦产生大量的热。The buoyancy of solar-heated air rising up the chimney spins a turbine and generates electricity.日光晒热的空气沿烟囱升起,产生向上推力,推动涡轮旋转发电。Farmers are struggling to maintain a level of productivity that generates an acceptable income.农民努力维持产量以便有过得去的收入。The more successful you become, the more publicity you get and that publicity generates sales. It's a kind of snowball effect.你越成功,你的媒体曝光度也高,这种曝光度可产生销售额。这是一种雪球效应。The fans rotate inside the housing creating an air flow that generates thrust.风机在外壳内转动,造成一股产生推力的气流。The computer program generates a list of random numbers.计算机程序可以生成一列随机数字。




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