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词汇 耽搁
例句 Mr Evans has been delayed but will be joining us shortly.埃文斯先生有事耽搁了,不过很快就会到我们这里来的。From a medical standpoint a week is usually not a consequential delay.从医学的角度来看,耽搁一个星期通常并无大碍。I apologize for the delay in replying to you.我为耽搁了回信向您道歉。Delays in the courts are far from negligible.在法庭上的耽搁绝非无关紧要。He had been delayed in traffic but would arrive momentarily.交通阻塞把他耽搁了,但他随时会到达。I don't want to impose on you by staying too long.我不想打扰你,不多耽搁了。We were all fuming at the delay.我们都对这次耽搁十分恼火。Ms Dawson has been detained, so we will start the meeting without her.道森小姐有事耽搁了,所以我们将在她缺席的情况下开始开会。We started early enough but got caught in the London traffic.我们出发得足够早,却被伦敦的交通耽搁了。He tarried over breakfast.他早餐时耽搁了一会儿。The peace talks are being held up by continued fighting on the border.和谈被边境上持续不断的战斗所耽搁We need to avoid further delays.我们需要避免再次耽搁I won't detain you any longer.我就不再耽搁你了。What kept you?是什么事耽搁了你?We were delayed by traffic.我们因交通堵塞耽搁了。Don't let me keep you if you have other things to do.如果你有别的事要做,我就不耽搁你了。We can't afford any unnecessary delays.我们经不起不必要的耽搁All these delays are starting to get to me.一再的耽搁开始把我惹恼了。This delay was unavoidable.这次耽搁是无法避免的。We were frustrated by the long delays.长时间耽搁使我们颇感沮丧。She got hung up at the airport. 她在机场耽搁了。I'm sorry for the delay, sir - I'll be right with you.先生,对不起耽搁了—我很快就到。Mr Jones should be here, but I'm afraid he's been unavoidably detained.琼斯先生应该在这儿了;但恐怕他是被什么推不开的事耽搁了。After much delay, the results of the survey were published.耽搁多时之后,调查结果终于公布了。Due to the blizzard, we had to sit tight at the airport for a day.由于暴风雪来袭,我们不得不在机场耽搁一天,静观事态的发展。Unexpected business had detained her.意外的事情使她耽搁了。Ted should be here by now. It looks like he's been delayed.特德现在该到了,看来他被什么耽搁了。I'm sorry to call at such an awkward time but I won't keep you a minute.对不起,我打电话不是时候,不过我不会耽搁你很久的。The accident delayed the train for two hours.事故使火车耽搁了两小时。We were delayed at the airport. Otherwise we would have been here by lunch time.我们在机场耽搁了,否则午饭前就可以到这里了。After several delays we finally took off at six o'clock.几经耽搁后,我们终于在六点起飞了。Various setbacks and problems delayed production.各种各样的挫折和问题耽搁了生产进度。In an effort to avoid further delays, the delivery process has been simplified.投递过程被简化以免再耽搁We'd better start earlier. We should allow for traffic delays.我们还是早些动身为好。我们要考虑到路上交通会有耽搁He was hung up at the office and missed his train.他在办公室里耽搁了一些时间,以致没有赶上火车。I was held up at the office.我在办公室耽搁了一会儿。Do not tarry on the way.不要在路上耽搁They arrived early despite several en route delays.尽管途中有所耽搁,他们还是提前抵达了。He excused himself for his delay.他因耽搁而请求原谅。The moment of decision cannot be delayed.作出决定的时刻由不得耽搁




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