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The monument stands as a chilling reminder of man's inhumanity to man.纪念碑耸立着,寒气逼人,提醒着人们人类对自己同类的惨无人道。Skyscrapers rose like jagged teeth.摩天大楼像参差不齐的牙齿一样耸立着。The cathedral dominates the landscape for miles around.大教堂在方圆数英里的乡间高高耸立着。The mountain reared above the village.村子旁边耸立着一座大山。Wooded hills rise behind the town.小城的后面耸立着树木葱茏的山丘。The church building lifts a tall clock tower.教堂顶端耸立着高高的钟楼。One of London's best-loved landmarks now stands forlorn and almost derelict.伦敦最受人喜爱的地标之一现在凄凉地耸立着,几乎被废弃了。The island is surmounted by a huge black castle.岛的最高处耸立着一座巨大的黑色城堡。 |